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Exam Study Gadgets To Buy To Make Studying More Fun

Exam Study Gadgets To Buy To Make Studying More Fun

While procrastinating may be a study tool most of us are more familiar with, sometimes sprucing up your study space can give you all the motivation necessary to knock out exams. After all, you should be rewarded for all the stusprindying about to go down. Here are a few cool gadgets to buy that will make studying for midterms more fun!

 Cable Bites

There’s going to be a lot of cords tangling during this period. Adding a cute little animal to your plain USB chords will likely bring some warmth and humor into your life. Studying can be frustrating; a small animal can remind you not to take things so seriously and maybe even help you remember which cords connect to what device! These are super popular are on sale 2 for $10, so you can use each animal to keep your cables tangle-free!

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Phone Mount 

How many times do you go to class, forget your computer and have to use your phone instead? If you have a screen in front of you for and need a quick answer, you’ll probably pull out your phone to look it up. A phone mount would be exceedingly helpful for the college student last minute preparing for a midterm. This phone mount is cute and portable, and you can clip it on any surface. That means the table at the library or your desk at the dorm or even in the standard room! Wherever you decide to crank out your work, odds are you’ll be wanting to pull out your phone at some point also if it is just a break to scroll through social media. This phone mount makes it easy to play Netflix in the background or refresh your memory on a definition. Bring your phone to your face without cranking your neck with this phone mount!

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Avocado AirPod Case

Here’s a design every millennial can get behind! Odds are you’ll be needing a lot of music to keep yourself awake for all the allnighters you’ll be pulling. This avocado case is so cute and practical. It protects your AirPod case, and you can store it on your keys or a purse as a keychain! I know from personal experience AirPods are so small and therefore, can easily get lost. This case will turn that around because it is portable and bulkier than the original case and can hook onto your backpack.

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Ghost Power Bank

 Another Gadget that doubles as a cute keychain, anyone can appreciate an attractive accessory that can swing into power-saving mode. While this is likely not as reliable as a heavy-duty power bank, it will undoubtedly be there for you when your cram session has killed your phone battery. It matches tons of patterns and is far lighter and more unique than your basic portable charger. This little guy will be sure to bring a smile to your face and not just because he’s spooky but also because you have a way to save your phone when you’re out and at 1%. The ghost power-bank goes past the “fun gadget” accessory and is a necessity for any student. Don’t ghost your friends when your phone dies, instead, turn to your handy dandy ghost power bank!

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Lap Desk

They say you shouldn’t, but I don’t know any college student that doesn’t do more than half of their homework from the comfort of their bed. To avoid neck and back issues, this is a convenient necessity for all students. This Lap Desk is portable like a small briefcase, and it comes in a variety of fun colors and patterns! Entering finals with this baby will allow you to extend the time spent on work without getting up to reposition yourself. Those couple of minutes you will shave off with this pretty lap desk could be spent memorizing the answer to the question that appears on your midterm exam. Not to mention the restful sleep you can achieve without tossing and turning due to back issues from not having the proper equipment to study. Passing on this lap desk sounds like a worse decision than last-minute studying. You want to cram not get a cramp! Keep your troubles away and add a sparkle to your bed set with this lap desk!

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Moon Lamp

The bright light of the moon will be sure to brighten the midterm student gloom. These have been blowing up on Tumblr, and I can see why. They resemble the texture and craters on the actual moon and morph into tons of different colors. The Moon Lamp gives your study space the mystique and extra light that you need to ace those midterms. Sharing the room with a roommate during finals and midterms is tough enough as it is, especially if you’re in a dorm. Cue the moon lamp, it has different color settings and is just bright enough to continue your studies but is dim enough to allow your roommate to sleep peacefully. Aim for A’s and reach the stars with your new moon lamp.

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USB Cup Heater

Caffeine is likely a necessary part of your study routine, including warm drinks like tea and coffee. In those wee hours of the morning when you’re working your butt off and go to take a sip of your energy juice but it’s ice cold. Dang, there’s nothing worse than being on a roll and having to be interrupted to do trivial things like warming up your drink. Well, I have a tip for you, invest in a USB cup heater! This product doubles as a coaster and keeps your beverage warm. It looks great on any desk space and livens up the dreary hours of the morning because it’s a happy daisy! All you have to do is plug it into your computer, and it can keep your drink toasty so you can keep on cranking.


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 Acorn Speaker

Another small decorative key chain in disguise, music to my ears! Sometimes you’re out and about, at a friend’s house, at a party or your parent’s house studying and what have you done but forget a speaker. A perfect setting for some great music but yet you are left to your own devices in complete silence. That’s where your Bluetooth acorn sized speaker falls into your lap to save the day. My coworker had one of these, and it’s a high decibel and quality speaker. You can play it to get your study juices flowing while charging your phone! You won’t find many tiny speakers with this good of sound quality that is also completely wireless. An acorn speaker is an excellent investment for any student as it can come in handy at a study session or a party. Keep your social and study stresses away with this clever gadget.


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What helps you get motivated during the exam season? Do you like any of these products? Let us know in the comment section below!

Images via, Pinterest, and urban