10 Sorority Recruitment Outfits To Impress Any Chapter You Meet

If you want to impress every house you attend, these 10 sorority recruitment outfits to impress any chapter you meet will, without a doubt, do the trick. As important as your values and personality are, lets be honest looks are the first impression people make of you. If you are wearing sweatpants and look like you haven’t showered in a month the chapters (or anyone) is not going to be that impressed. What’s on the inside is what’s going to sell them, but looking nice is going to make it seem like you want to be there and you are excited to join!
1. Sundress
There are several days when going through recruitment. Each day is dedicated to learning different aspects of each chapter. The first couple of day are pretty casual, so this is a good choice. Even though it is a sundress you should still make sure it looks nice. Pair it with a nice pair of sandals or some wedges and you are good to go! Make sure the dress is a decent length though! You don’t want to look like you’re ready for the club. But, honestly, you don’t want to look like a pilgrim either!
Get the look:
2. Romper
A romper is a cute and classy choice! Again, making sure it is not too short, this shirt and short combo is absolutely one of the sorority recruitment outfits that will tell them that you are in style and ready to be there! The best part of this cute outfit though, is the only other thing you have to think about is shoes! Its scary enough having to pick the right outfit so dresses and rompers save you from having to pair together a good look!
Get the look:
3. A cute shirt and jeans
Like we said, the first couple days are pretty casual. So, a cute shirts and jeans will definitely do the trick. If you wanted to dress up this duo a bit more, you could slip on a pair of wedges, but sandals or flats will be just fine. Although it isn’t totally frowned upon to wear jeans with holes, keeping it to a simple nice jean is probably best. But, if your absolute favorite pair of jeans have holes? No biggie. Just as long as they’re not gaping holes or have any holes on your butt. Remember the goal is to look as respectable as possible!
Copy the look:
4. Skirt and shirt combo
There are several ways this outfit can be worn. You can wear something like the previous outfit and have a cute top with a more plain bottom such as a jean, black, or white skirt. OR you can find a pattern bottom and pair it with a plain shirt. Wearing a more exotic skirt will allow you to show off your personality a bit more and explore the fashion options you have. Don’t forget to keep the skirt and shirt at a decent length! Yes that means no crop tops unfortunately.
Copy the look:
5. Capri’s
No. I do not mean those awkward jean pants we all owned in middle school. I mean the ankle pants that look business casual and oh so cute! This is one of the sorority recruitment outfits that will help you stand out among others. It will make you look like you are in style and you care about what you look like. More importantly, your killer style will impress the heck out of the chapters!
Get the look:
6. Chambray ankle pants
These are another type of ankle pant that would really show off your style, but in a bit different way. These flowy pants would best be paired with a tighter top. They are a great way to show off your figure in a subtle way and show the chapters just how confident you are! These pants are sold in several different styles, patterns ,colors etc. That being said, anyone can wear them! They are cute enough to wear with heels, but casual enough to wear with a more casual shoe as well.
Get the look:
7. Smocked wide leg pants
For my ladies that want the comfy flow of a dress, but don’t want to worry about bending over or how you sit or any other concerns that come with wearing a dress, these are the pants for you! They are wide a flowy making them beautiful and elegant, but still a more casual and stylish look.
Get the look:
8. Poncho
This one is for my ladies that have primary or formal recruitment during the winter months. Wearing a poncho with a cute pair of jeans, some tall boots, and maybe a pattern shirt, turtle neck, or just a long sleeve underneath is a cute alternative to a sweater. Sweaters are so common for people to wear. Of course thats because they look so nice. None the less, wearing a poncho will still be like wearing a sweater, but you will look more stylish and it is one of the sorority recruitment outfits that will really help you stick out to chapter women.
Get the look:
9. Lace trim cami
This is a top that is super cute, in style and, when worn right, can be super classy! This is a top that is typically seen in more risqué settings. However, pairing it with a nice pair of jeans, shoes, and layering on some jewelry, will make you look sexy (not slutty), confident and bold. It will tell everyone you talk to that you are not afraid to take risks and you love who you are. Both are qualities that would impress any chapter woman.
Get the look:
10. Chiffon top
Chiffon is a light fabric that is made to look more elegant. It is a fabric that is used a lot for dresses. However, wearing it as a top gives off an elegant and timeless vibe. This shirt would look beautiful on any body type and can be paired with several different items. From jeans, to some tight black pants you will look so good the chapter’s will remember you without a doubt.
Get the look: