10 Sorority Recruitment Ideas That All PNMs Are Going To Love

Finding unique sorority recruitment ideas is the key to making your PNMs excited to run home to you. It’s important to pick a theme that you can not only use discretely throughout the week of recruitment but also as your bid day theme. These 10 sorority recruitment ideas are sure to WOW your PNMs!
1. Welcome to the Dream House
This Barbie theme is super cute, pink and will make your chapter seem like the ultimate dream for visiting PNMs. Use pink and glittery decorations in your recruitment rooms, wear shades of pink for you dressier rounds and serve pink punch and cookies when you are allowed to provide a snack. This theme is sure to have your PNMs thinking they’re in a dream.
2. Greatest Sorority on Earth
This theme is a classic. Although slightly overused, it’s easy to work into the recruitment week. Focus your recruitment decorations on showing why your chapter is the best chapter on campus. You can also use the big top experience as the inspiration for your snack.
3. New Bids on the Block
You can’t go wrong with a 90’s themed recruitment, but make sure you do it soon since the next class will all be post-2000. Take this a step further and use Full House, Fresh Prince of Bel Air or other 90’s shows to get everyone in the spirit!
4. We Mermaid For Each Other
This theme is perfect to incorporate into your chapter’s recruitment week. Use nets, shells, and anchors to decorate your recruitment room. Plus, the slogan is just too cute to pass up.
5. Unmask the Possibilities
This is a cleaner and classier version of the traditional Mardi Gras theme. You can still use beads, masks, and the colors purple, green and gold to decorate both the recruitment room and your chapter house for bid day.
6. Drafting the Best
This recruitment theme can be used as an NFL Football theme or a military theme. Both are super cute, but personally, I think the NFL is the way to go. You could play backyard football games with your new sisters and cheer them on from the sidelines just like at a real game!
7. Bringing Home the Gold
This Olympic themed recruitment is another classic, but it’s sure to make your PNMs feel like they made the right decision. Remember to use a TON of gold glitter for decorations. This theme also creates some of the cutest t-shirts.
8. Welcome to the Fabulous Life
While not every campus will approve this one, a Las Vegas theme is sure to be a hit with your PNMs. You could set up your recruitment room like an (appropriate) casino equipped with short games instead of gambling and cards. Decorations can include feather boas, lots of sequins, and of course, a “Welcome to the Fabulous ______ Life” sign.
9. Girl Power
Joining a sorority means a whole new dose of girl power and this sorority recruitment idea is the perfect glimpse into that. Making your recruitment centered around strong and independent women is sure to bring in the kind of PNM you want your chapter to gain. Plus, the sky is the limit when choosing your outfits.
10. Patriotic
Why not have a theme dedicated to the country that makes all of these sorority recruitment ideas possible? You can find decorations for America in just about any store, especially if you purchase in mid-July. Hang up an American flag, get some sparklers and call it a day.
Bottom line is, sorority recruitment ideas are easy to come by, but hard to decide on. There are so many good themes out there! Which is your new favorite? Comment below!
Featured Image Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/245164773443700469/

Just a 21-year-old girl with a world of opportunity in front of her. I am currently finishing up my degree in fashion merchandising at Kent State University's Fashion School. A sister of Chi Omega, a competitive dancer and lover of any and all spicy foods.