10 Songs To Help You Be Your Best Self

In our lives, it’s hard not to feel lost or down sometimes. I always feel that the only thing in life that always helps point me in the right direction is music, as it speaks to us in ways that we cannot always communicate with our heads. Music is important because it makes us feel good and recognize these feelings within ourselves. It’s also the only tool we have that’s always available to us. So here are some tracks that will help you feel like your best self!
1. Successful: Ariana Grande
Ariana Grande has so many female-empowering tracks, but to me, this song is what we all should be trying to achieve as young females in this world. Grande is singing about how she’s not afraid to show her self confidence to the man she loves. So ladies go out there and grab hold of what you want with this song as a little motivator!
2. Born This Way: Lady Gaga
A classic Gaga track, “Born This Way” is full of uplifting messages to accept yourself the way you are. We all have things in life we maybe don’t like or wish we could change. It’s important to realize how these differences make us special as individuals. What you have to offer is unique compared to anyone else, so go ahead and bump this throwback and learn how great you are!
3. Clarity: John Mayer
In true John Mayer fashion, he makes you think and reflect on your life in almost all his songs and “Clarity” is no exception. The song divulges into dealing with all the anxiety that comes with life and just trying to remain in those moments of bliss where you forget about all the stress and see what is most important. I think the song has a calming effect on anyone who feels overwhelmed and helps establish a sense of security that everything in life has a way of working itself out.
4. Pageant Material: Kacey Musgraves
Even if you’ve never experienced the artificial and ridiculous nature of pageants, any girl can clearly relate with what Musgraves sings about in her song “Pageant Material”. She talks about not fitting into this perfect girl mold, and never being able to meet the impossible standards that have been laid out in front of her, thus feeling like an outsider.
5. Feel Again: One Republic
One Republic has a way of producing songs that lift your spirits and “Feel Again” does the trick quite nicely. The song details feeling lonely and numb to emotions until finally meeting that someone. I think the song’s lyrics are broad enough that the person who makes you feel again could be anyone who just makes you feel good and brings you out of that dark place.
6. America’s Sweetheart: Elle King
I remember this was one of the first songs I listened to when I began driving myself to school in junior year. It reassured me that not being a flawless perfect girl was ok and that your imperfections are what you should love about yourself. The song has an infectious beat and is full of lyrics that are relatable and prove you can still be successful without being America’s Sweetheart.
7. Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall: Coldplay
Despite the word “teardrop” being a part of the title, this Coldplay track is quite motivational. The lyrics of the song are uplifting in nature and say how you should always look on the bright side of life. This song encourages you to turn each upsetting moment into something beautiful. Hence the title “Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall” meaning that the emotion you feel in life is something of beauty, not of ugliness.
8. Light In Your Eyes: Sheryl Crow
While it’s true that Sheryl Crow’s music is a guilty pleasure of mine, there’s no denying that she was a staple female artist of the ’90s. Her track “Light In Your Eyes” is the type of song I could listen to on a loop and never be sick of, due to its honest optimism and dreamy vibe. The track talks about putting aside all of the negatives in your life and remembering the person in life who makes you feel loved and like yourself. Crow believes in looking at the wonders of this world, and how there is so much to look forward to discovering in this lifetime. So put on this track and begin your journey of self-discovery!
9. Put Your Records On: Corinne Bailey Rae
This song brings me back to the mid-2000s each time I hear it. As I’m older listening to it now, I am more keenly aware of the importance of Corrinne Bailey Rae’s lyrics. The song contains a message to all girls everywhere that even if you made the wrong choice, as long as you have faith in yourself and a little good music to listen to, you can find your happiness and figure out your next steps in life.
10. GIRL: Maren Morris
Maren Morris is a genius songwriter and knows how to create song lyrics that are so relatable. In her track “GIRL” Morris gives a PSA to all females everywhere to not lose sight of who you are, and that even if life may not be the greatest right now, all will be okay in the long run.