If your shoe closet is full, but you want to buy some more shoes, you need to be specific in what you want. That is why, sneakers are a must. Sneakers are the ultimate staple piece you must have in your wardrobe. Sneakers are suitable with any outfit, any weather and are perfect for all seasons. Sneakers protect your feet from all weather and you can walk endlessly. Here are 8 sneaker trends perfect for all seasons.
Here, classics are referring to converse and vans. These classics are suitable for any occasion. They never go out of style and suit any outfit. From a classic pair of jeans and a white top, to a great summer dress. These classics may not be deemed your typical ‘sneaker’ but they have the same purpose. They are stylish, affordable and easy to walk around in!
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In contrast to the classics, the brands are referring to sneakers from well known brands such as Nike, Adidas, Reebok and New Balance, just to name a few. Branded sneakers are comfortable for walking around a city in. Any branded sneaker pairs brilliantly with any outfit, and gives you a good amount of ‘cred’ with others!
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More and more shoe companies are making sneakers with a range of different colours. One type of sneaker that never goes out of style is the all white sneaker. An all white sneaker is perfect for any occasion and suitable for all types of seasons. It is a statement piece, as a crisp white sneaker is eye catching. Caution: you need to take good care of an all white sneaker because they can get really dirty!
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Similar to the all white sneaker, the all black is just as popular. They never go out of style and are easy to match with any outfit. All black sneakers are perfect for people who don’t want to bother with taking good care or cleaning shoes. They will never get dirty because you can’t see the dirt!
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Chunky sneakers, also known as the ‘dad sneaker’ has come into fashion in the past couple of years. Some may have thought it was only a one season trend, but they are wrong. More brands are creating chunky sneakers. Chunky sneakers pair excellently with summer dresses, and fresh relaxed pieces. Just remember to not hide these sneakers as they are a real statement piece!
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Fashion is all about creating a statement and colour sneakers definitely do. In contrast to the all white and all black sneaker trends that are simple and clean. A pop of colour will always go well. Not a fan of the coloured sneakers? What about adding colour in the laces? There are many ways to have colour on your sneakers. Colour never disappoints!
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Just like statement sneakers, metallic sneakers draw attention through their unique colour. They suit any occasion and never go out of style. But, just remember they need to be styled accordingly. Allow your metallic sneakers to be the focus. Maybe choose neutral coloured clothing to not clash with the metallic colour. You will be the focus when you go into a room wearing metallic sneakers!
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This list will not be complete without addressing the platform sneakers. Some may say these are for people wanting to be taller, but that isn’t the case. Platform sneakers are a true statement sneaker. The added section at the bottom of the sneaker is a different style trend in contrast to the other sneaker trends addressed in this list. Be unique and be different wearing the platform sneaker!
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