15 Skincare Products You Should Be Using In Your 20s

When you reach your twenties, the last thing you want to be worrying about is skincare products, right? But it’s actually the most important time to start getting serious about it. If you love skincare, well then this article will be like Christmas for you because in it, there are 15 Skincare Products that you should be using by the time you’re in your twenties.
1. Facial Wash
Starting off, this product should be well known by the time you reach your early twenties. You may even have a favorite or go-to facial wash that is a constant buy. If you know you’re skin type, then tailor your facial wash to it and if you don’t have a facial wash, then you should be finding your favorite one in your twenties.
2. Facial Scrub
Starting off, this product should be well known by the time you reach your early twenties. You may even have a favorite or go-to facial wash that is a constant buy. If you know you’re skin type, then tailor your facial wash to it and if you don’t have a facial wash, then you should be finding your favorite one in your twenties.
3. Cleanser
Cleansers might not be an every day user, but when you reach your twenties, you should at least own one. A cleanser might be the difference in dull, tired skin and that glow you’re looking for. Use it twice a week, or even better four times a week if you have the time. This is one of the best skincare products.
4. Toner
The second half of the cleanser, toner duo. If you’ve got a cleanser but didn’t manage to successfully grab a toner at the same time, well I don’t know how you managed that. Toners almost always come alongside a cleanser to if you’re planning on cleansing by the time you hit twenty, you may as well get toning.
5. Spot Cream
If you’re not already using a spot cream, then this skincare product will prove to be a miracle for you. A good spot cream is essential in your twenties because it might be the most stressful time of your life so get yourself a good spot cream before you hit twenty.
6. Serum
Serum isn’t a must-have for your everyday beauty routine, but you should at least be considering it when you reach your twenties. It’s essential for a lovely glow, so if you’re looking to get that natural dewy vibe, then pick a serum up in your early twenties.
7. Oil
This is the perfect product for dry skin and definitely need for this skin types daily skincare routine. Obviously, it’s possible to pick up oils for all skin types and one should definitely be being used by the time you’re in your twenty. They create the natural dewy look, so if you’re wondering why you haven’t got it, it’s because you’re missing oil.
8. Eye Cream
Pesky bags start creeping in during your late teens because late nights and stress start to ensue around this time, so really it’s the perfect chance to start using a good eye cream. That purple hue will start to disappear as soon as the product is applied, so sooner rather than later is much better in this case.
9. Sun Cream
This one is obvious. You should’ve really been using sun cream since the day you were born, so if you’re not already using it prepare to be scolded by the dermatologist – assuming you go to one. It’s crucial for skincare and highly recommended that you start using one asap! If you’re twenty and not using one, start right now.
10. Moisturiser
Moisturiser is a given by this age. If your make up is looking flaky, and pores are starting to show it’s because you’re not using moisturizer and by the time you’re twenty, you really should be. It should be the first thing on your skincare to buy list and if you don’t own one, you should really go and get one.
11. Primer
Some might see primer as more of a makeup essential, but since it’s the base before the base of your make up, it can technically be classed as skincare. A good one is needed for every skin type so spend some time searching for the perfect primer. If you don’t have one already, you should be getting one by the time you’re in your mid-twenties. This is one of the skincare products we love!
12. Make Up Wipes
A must have if you own makeup! If you’re going to bed with your make up on then your actually aging your skin by a day each time you do. I know that doesn’t sound like a lot, but if you really think about it, well it gives me chill – I don’t know about you. Makeup wipes should be in every bag you own, and in every room of your house. And you should definitely own them by twenty.
13. Gel Mask
You don’t need to do a gel mask every day but once a week is really beneficial for the skin. It’s also just a really good thing to do for yourself. It’s relaxing after a hard day and a great way to get a little pick me up. Try a few before picking out a fave and lock that one down by twenty-five.
14. Tissue Mask
Tissue masks are everyone’s new favorite thing. Once again, they’re not needed every day but once a week is always good for the skin, maybe even twice a week if you love them. It’s even suggested to do two back to back, crazy but soothing. If you’re feeling the stress in your twenties, get a tissue mask on. This is one of the best skincare products!
15. Clay Mask
Clay masks are a great way to finish the week. There are so many different types that you could own up to ten at least. Find the one best suited for your skin type and hang on to it, it’ll be a saviour when you’re in need of a relaxing night. Again, it’s not essential but get one in your early twenties to reap the benefits.