Skincare Alert: Different Products For Different Skin Types

Having a skincare routine is basically a must for all of us human beings. Skincare can be defined as the rage of practices that support skin integrity enhance its appearance and relieve skin conditions, in other words is what keeps our skin pretty and healthy. You should have a daily skincare routine that helps you nurture your skin, but be aware, not all skins are the same and therefore no all products are good for you. If you are using any product and start seeing any reaction is better to stop applying it and consult an specialist since you might be allergic to some of the components on it and that may prejudicated your skin more than help it. Without furthermore we bring you some basic steps you should add to your daily skincare routine according to the different skin types.
Cleansing Your Skin
One of the first and most essential steps you should follow to assure a good skincare is washing your face. Since our skin is in contact with dirt, environmental pollutants and lots of factors every day the best thing to do is washing our face twice a day, one time in the morning and another at night to avoid acne, dullness or clogged pores. Products such as micellar water work perfectly on any skin type as a cleanser since it’s a soap-free option with molecules that attract debris and oil without causing dryness to your skin. But if you have a mature skin you should opt for a melting balm since it melts into a liquid when rubbed on your skin and smooths it out.
If your skin is a sensitive one an oily cleanser, it’s what is best recommended even though you might feel you are not really cleaning your face. Oils like argan are lightweight, moisturizing, non-comedogenic which means it shouldn’t clog your pores or trigger any type of acne and well tolerated by sensitive skins. Some people might also have oily or acne-prone skins and an oily cleanser is definitely a no for them. If this is your skin type you should definitely try a foaming liquid which helps break dirt and excess sebum from pores when apply. Another type of skin involves dry, red or eczema-prone for which the best cleanser involves emollients like glycerin or shea butter that will wipe away any impurities on your skin and also hydrate it.
Balancing Your Skin With A Toner
Originally a toner was an alcohol-based product used to dry up oily skin and remove any leftover dirt following cleansing. Today that has been left behind, you can find a lot of different toners that match your skin necessities. Toners will help you having a better absorption of all the other nutrients you apply on your skin since they tend to balance your complexion. While looking for the perfect toner be sure to be on the lookout for ingredients such as hyaluronic acids that boost hydration, plump skin to subtly treat fine lines and seal in dewiness.
Rose water, green tea, vitamins E and C are also ingredients your toner should have since the calm irritation, reduce redness, have an anti-inflammatory effect and fight daily exposure to free radicals that age your skin. Some other ingredients that are good having in a toner include alpha and beta hydroxy acids which remove dead skin cells, improve sun-damaged skin and minimize dullness. To apply a toner just pour a few drops in your clean hand and spread it on your face gently!
Always Moisturize
One of the most important steps on your skincare routine should be moisturizing which basically means hydrating and soften your skin. It doesn’t really matter if you have a dry skin or an oily one everybody needs to moisturize their skin! The difference lays in the type of moisturizing every skin needs to assure a better used of the same and avoid skin problems. For example, if you have an oily skin you should use a moisturizing gel which is the most water-based option that will absorb quickly.
Lotions work better with normal skins or the ones that are a combination since it absorbs very well. For dry skins is recommended to use a soft cream or a regular cream since is more oil-based and heavier than a lotion. Inflamed and sensitive skins that are not acne-prone should include a balm as a moisturizing. Balms then to help extremely dry skins without having a heavy texture.
Extra Tip!
Never, ever forget finishing your skincare routine without apply sunscreen before leaving your house. Sunblock is probably one of the most crucial steps on skin caring since it doesn’t really matter if you have a perfectly healthy and moisturized skin, if you go out without sunscreen you might start developing wrinkles, color changes, age spots, textural imperfections, changes on the appearance of pores and the worst of all skin cancer since the exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun is not a good friend to your skin. Experts recommend using a moisturizer that already has sunscreen of at least 30 SPF spectrum, so you don’t forget to apply an individual sunscreen every morning.
You can find three types of sunscreens in the market, the ones made out of chemical ingredients such as oxybenzone and octinoxate which are absorbed into the skin, are lightweight and easy to apply. And the ones made of physical ingredients which include titanium dioxide and zinc dioxide that will sit on top of your skin to prevent ultraviolet rays from entering your body. and the last type of sunscreens available include a combination of physical and chemical blocking components that will provide protection from both UVA and UVB rays and not create a visible residue. The choice on the right type of sunscreen it’s yours! Just remember to use one that has a high level of SPF.
Do you have any other tips we should add to our own skincare routine? Let us know in the comments!
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Hi! I'm a fashion designer based on San José, Costa Rica who breaths art in all its ways; writing, reading, painting, dancing, music... and its super passionate about them all! I also adore learning something new everyday and getting to know new people. If you have any doubt, don't be shy and ask me!