9 Simple Ways To Lose Weight Without Dieting

It is possible to lose weight without dieting and restricting yourself. You don’t have to be miserable and starving anymore. There are a few simple ways to lose weight without dieting, you just have to change your bad habits for a healthier lifestyle. Here are a few healthy tips that you can easily follow!
1. Drink More Water
Water is really important. You flush out of your body all the bad toxins. It helps with bloating as well. There are so many benefits to drinking water from glowing skin to good digestion that it should be incorporated into your lifestyle.
2. Gradually Eat Less sugar.
This is the hardest step for everyone. But instead of cutting sugar at once, you should start slowly. You can start by drinking fizzy drinks only 3 times a week, then twice, and then not at all. If you cut sugar out of your lifestyle at once, you will miss it more and it is more likely for you to go back to your old habits.
3. Eat Your Carbs during the day.
You can try and consume carbs like bread, pasta and rice early in the day. Your body will have the rest of the day to burn it off and turn it into energy. For dinner, you can stick to something lighter that won’t make your stomach feel heavy.
4. Walk more/exercise leisurely.
Try to walk more. Or take the stairs more often. If you like exercising, then you can either keep it up as it is or add one more gym day to your schedule.
5. Learn Portion control.
How much are you actually eating? It’s really important to not put too much on your plate and overeat. When we use big plates, we feel the need to fill it up and it’s really easy to put more on your plate than you would actually eat just because the plate is big and we have to fill it up. So if you use a smaller plate, you will actually eat a normal sized meal and you will prevent overeating. It would be easier to stop eating if you feel full as well.
6. Chew thoroughly.
Chew thoroughly and eat slowly. Being mindful of your bites and your food will stop you from overeating as well. You will feel full at the right time and overeating will be prevented.
7. Eat more fiber.
Fiber is really healthy for you and your gut. It makes you feel full as well! Foods rich in fiber are broccoli, oats, beans, chickpeas and lentils, and nuts & seeds.
8. Hide unhealthy snacks.
Don’t have any unhealthy snacks like chocolate or crisps in your cupboard. Don’t buy it at all when you’re grocery shopping! If you can’t resist, tell your roommate to hide everything and reveal it when it’s your cheat day(s)! You will avoid temptation if you don’t know where the snacks are in the house!
9. Find a buddy!
You’ll feel more motivated if you have a buddy to do this with you! There is some competitiveness as well! For example, my friends and I really wanted to start eating healthier meals and actually see what we were eating on a daily basis. So, each of us created a fake Instagram account, and every time we had a meal or a snack, we posted a picture of it. You have to be serious about it though because it’s easy to hide anything you don’t want to be judged for.
What are your tips when it comes to simple ways to lose weight without dieting? Let us know in the comments!
Half Greek half British gal living in London. Currently obsessed with pineapple, dogs, writing and photography.