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10 Simple Ways To Control Binge-Eating

10 Simple Ways To Control Binge-Eating

If you feel like you have lost control of your eating, you’re not alone. Binge eating is the most common eating disorder in America, and it’s categorized by episodes eating extremely large portions. Sometimes people tend to binge-eat after starving themselves for long periods of time, and sometimes it happens in the absence of hunger. Either way, if you’re experiencing binge eating, know that you can regain control of your diet to live a healthier and happier life. Here are 10 simple ways to control binge eating.

1. Ditch your diet right away

Fad diets are usually extremely unhealthy, and will only leave you feeling more restricted in the long run. Studies show that dieting tends to cause episodes of binge eating, especially when people starve themselves for long periods of time.

Instead of following a trendy diet that cuts out entire food groups, focus on making healthy changes to your diet and eating the number of calories that you need every day. Diets are unhealthy and unreliable, and it’s best that you ditch your diet right away to avoid binge eating.


2. Never skip meals

This goes along with #1, but if you’re skipping meals, you are far more prone to having binge eating episodes that you can’t control. Get this through your head: your body needs food. I know that you might feel skinnier or less bloated if you skip a meal, but doing so can be so harmful to your body and brain functions.

Skipping meals can lead to cravings that cause you to binge and overeat in excess. Whether you prefer to eat smaller meals throughout the day or three traditional large meals, make sure that you’re fueling your body properly at all hours of the day.


3. Keep a journal

A popular technique to control binge eating is to keep a “food and mood” journal. In this type of journal, you write down the food that you eat and the way that you feel every day.

Keeping a food and mood journal can help you feel like you’re in control of what you’re eating by tracking your meals. It can also help you to discover patterns in your eating, and how your eating habits are impacting your mood.


Not many people realize that the food you eat directly impacts your mental health, so keep a food and mood journal to keep watch over unhealthy behaviors.

4. Stay hydrated

Drinking 8+ glasses of water per day is an effective way to curb your cravings and feel more full throughout the day, decreasing your desire to binge-eat. Not only is drinking water necessary and amazing for your body, but it has so many other health benefits. 


From increased metabolism to clearer skin, staying properly hydrated is a must for living a healthy lifestyle. Carry around a large water bottle with you so you never forget to keep yourself properly hydrated.

5. Try meal-prepping

A great way to control binge eating is having meals already prepared for you at the start of the day so you know exactly what and how much to eat. Meal-prepping is a great strategy that anyone can do to prepare their meals and snacks in advance, making it easier to fuel your body effectively.


For effective meal-prepping, set aside a couple hours at the beginning of each week to cook the meals that you are going to have. Make sure you think about breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and include snacks in your meal-prep to have ultimate control over your diet and your health.

6. Load up on fiber

Fiber is a nutrient that moves slowly through your digestive system, making you feel full for a longer amount of time. It also helps control your digestive system to keep you regular. Eating plenty of fiber in your diet is a great way to curb hunger and control your binge eating.


Some fiber-rich foods to try are fruits, vegetables, and whole-grains. There are even specific cereals, granola bars, and vitamins that you can take to increase your fiber intake. Either way, fiber is key to a healthy and well-managed diet.

7. Clean out your kitchen

If you keep junk food and sweets around the house, chances are, you won’t be able to resist them. If you have it, you’ll eat it.


Clean out your kitchen, making sure that your fridge is stocked with only healthy options. You’re allowed to have junk food every once and a while, but make sure you don’t keep it at your house. Get rid of chips, candy, pre-packaged junk food, and anything else that you can find yourself binge eating.

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8. Eat breakfast (every day!)

It’s called the most important meal of the day for a reason. Start your morning with a healthy and filling breakfast, which will help you stay on track with your diet and reduce the risk of a binge eating episode later on.

When your stomach feels empty in the morning, you’ll be more likely to give in to cravings and not be able to control yourself later on. Breakfast is the key to waking up your metabolism and setting the stage for a healthy and balanced day.

Breakfast foods can contain plenty of fiber as well, so load up with cereals, granolas, and whole-grains to make yourself a wholesome breakfast.


9. Get enough sleep

Studies have shown that sleep deprivation is linked to binge eating. Getting enough sleep is important for your overall wellness, and it will also help you control your diet and avoid your binge eating episodes.

Sleep impacts hunger and appetite, and too little of it will leave you irritable, tired, and worst of all, hangry. Aim to get at least 8 hours of sleep per night to keep your appetite under control and reduce your risk of binge eating.


10. Talk to an expert

Asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of strength. If you feel like your binge eating is out of your own control, then you may need to reach out and get help. Talk to your doctor about different treatment options and therapy in order to stop your binge eating for good.


Binge eating is a problem that can affect anybody. What are some ways in which you control your diet? Let us know in the comments below.

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