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15 Simple Things To Do To Be Happier

15 Simple Things To Do To Be Happier

There are things to do to be a happier person that actually work. Here are the best things to do when you are feeling sad or want to feel better. These feel good tips are perfect for healthy mental health stamina.

College can be a period of stressful and overwhelming moments. Being away from home, stressing over grades, time management, as well as emotional slumps can cause a person to feel stuck and frustrated. Sometimes doing the simplest things in life is just what a person needs feel liberated from any struggles they might be dealing with. So here are 15 simple things to do to be happier!

1. Go out to the Beach

Taking a nice long walk near the seashore or sitting looking at the view can be very refreshing for the mind. Whether it’s having someone with you to talk to or just being by yourself, staring out, you feel at ease and forget all the things in life and focus on the present. This is one of those things to do to be happier that is perfect if you live on the west coast.

2. Take care of your body

Staying active and exercising not only helps you workout but also reduce stress. Walking your dog or even a hike in the mountains is very important because when you feel healthy and fit, your mind also rejuvenates helping you attain more knowledge.


3. Hangout with your friends

Maybe a good hangout is all you need to be happy! Getting together with your closest pals and getting the chance to rant, laugh and just be together is sometimes the best thing you need in your life.

3. Go out and Explore

Get out of the house and enjoy life! Visit the newest stores, stores, tourist attraction whether you might live, chances are that you haven’t seen every part of the city where you might live in.

4. Splurge a little

Shop Till You Drop my friends. Okay, don’t go too overboard with spending all your money on the latest bag or pair of shoes but instead treat yourself to that makeup you’ve been eyeing for a while.


5. Enjoy a live concert

Whether your seeing Drake, Maroon 5, or just a random band performing at the local park, you’re getting to enjoy live music. Not only are you seeing someone you may like, your mood gets 10 times better enjoying the music, and you get to discover new sounds you might have never thought you’d listen to.

6. Go to a coffee shop

Sometimes just a trip down to your closest coffee shop is all it takes to instantly brighten your mood. Coffee dates with your friends or just by yourself, is a good way to get out of the house and being in your neighborhood.. Also having an aesthetically pleasing cup of coffee for your Instagram feed never hurts!

7. Watch your favorite show/movie

Nothing beats staying home and having a binge watching party in the comfort of your own home. Watching your favorite rom-com or Netflix show is all you need in times of relaxation.


8. Listen to your music

Music is the best way to escape from reality even if it’s just for a while. Every person has their go to song in every situation, so the best way to stay happy is to listen to your favorite song, and just jam out!

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9. Random act of kindness

Do something for someone else! Pay for someone’s Starbucks or treat someone to lunch are some ways you can be kind. Sometimes putting others needs before yours makes you feel accomplished and grateful to see someone else’s happiness.


10. Smile

Show off your nice pearly-whites. This might seem like something not important to do, but having someone acknowledge you if it’s just a smile is all you need to help your mood stay up the whole day and be that radiant in your life!

12. Take time to Read

Just crack open a book that’s been sitting on your table for awhile. Reading a book is not only good for the mind to work but also good for you to lose yourself in a moment and destress. This is one of those things to do to be happier that’s timeless. 

13. Be productive with your day
Productivity is always the key to keep you busy. Try reorganizing your messy desk or cleaning out your closet, keeping everything organized helps you maintain your life in check as well. The feeling of satisfaction after staying busy is always great.

14. Have some me time

Treat yourself for all the hard work you’ve put up with lately! Go get yourself a nice mani pedi, put on your favorite face mask, throw in your favorite bath bombs in the tub and just stay there. Pamper yourself with your very own spa day in the comfort of your own home


15. Sleep

Last but not least, get some SLEEP! You’d be surprised what a couple of extra hours of sleep can do for you physically and mentally. Getting enough hours in, can help you feel rejuvenated and amazing.

Let us know what you think about things to do to be happier in the comments below!
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