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10 Simple Tattoos for Women

10 Simple Tattoos for Women

Simple tattoos are showing up everywhere and on everyone. They are something that can be hidden by socks, a shirt or bra strap or the right piece of jewelry. This is giving more people the freedom to find something that represents them and have it put on their bodies. Whether it is a symbol, a single word, a cartoon character, an animal or nature, what a tattoo means can vary from person to person.

Some of the tattoos in this list are super simple, others are a bit more complex in the artistry, but all are small and easily hidden if that makes a difference in your decision making.


This tattoo is powerful. How one sees themself can make all the difference in their lives. Who, or what, the outside world sees should have no bearing on how we see ourselves. We should always be pushing ourselves to be better than the day before. This tattoo simply reminds us to see ourselves as we want to be so that we can become what we want.


This is another one of the most powerful tattoos out there. The ampersand sign. There are many variations of the sign going with different colors, different sizes and different ways of placing the sign. It signals that a sentence isn’t quite complete yet. It’s been altered a little bit to say ‘My story isn’t over yet’ and has been adopted as a suicide awareness symbol. Generally speaking, a person uses it to say they thought their life was over but they have been given a second chance. Their story isn’t over yet.



This tattoo can be read in so many ways. What you need to be reminded to believe in varies from person to person. They could need to be reminded to believe that hard times don’t last. They could need to be reminded to believe in themselves. They could need the reminder to believe that things will work out the way that they are supposed to. No matter what you need the reminder for, sometimes a simple word like ‘believe’, in a place where it is easily seen, can be the smallest boost of confidence.

Love yourself. Love the body you’re in. (If you don’t love it, and can change, it, do it! You won’t regret the hard work and sweat and occasional pain that comes with it, I swear!) It makes it hard for us to believe that others can love us if we don’t love ourselves. Confidence in who we are can bring us a long way. It can help push us through hard times and it can help us resist the difficulties of bullying. Showing those around you that you love yourself and have faith in who you are can make you shine! This simple tattoo reminds us to simply love ourselves. 


Cartoon Characters

While Yoda isn’t technically a cartoon character, this little guy is adorable! Yoda has always been a symbol of infinite wisdom and knowledge. Star Wars is a massive franchise with countless movies, cartoons, comic books, and book remakes, along with millions of fans. There are likely many different variations of Yoda out there, as one’s perception of him can change from person to person, but this version of him is so cute!


No cartoon character tattoo list would be complete without the one and only Mickey Mouse. Mickey Mouse is iconic and an American symbol. Walt Disney created the character in 1928. While he is thought to be the original Disney character, he is, in fact, the second character created by Disney. Oswald the Lucky Rabbit was the first. His film debut was in black and white in Steamboat Willie in 1928. He has since grown into the unmistakable loving mouse in red shorts that we all know and love today.


What better way to show your love of cats than to have this cute little kitty on your wrist? It’s a super simple tattoo and cute as can be. Cats are often known to be quiet, docile animals. Perhaps that’s why this person loves them. Or maybe they just think they’re cute and cuddly. Cats are thought to be companion animals and are sought out by those who want a pet, but need one that takes less attention than a dog.


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This little guy looks like he’s sitting at a door waiting for his owner to come home. He’s patiently waiting for the love and attention he knows he will get. Dogs are adorable. It doesn’t matter what size they are. Big, or small, thick or thin coat.  They are loyal, fun and playful. Nothing beats seeing that tail wag when you walk through the door. It’s second only to the excited smile of a child who is excited that their parent is home. 



The lotus flower is often associated with spiritual enlightenment and rebirth due to the fact that it submerges into muddy waters every night just to rebloom the next morning without a single sign of the muddy environment it bloomed from. How it does this is unknown, but somehow the flower blooms day after day with beautiful, clean petals.


Pine trees are often signs of growth and stability. Generally, when you see this tattoo on someone it could mean that they have grown because of a difficult situation or event they’ve been through. They could have struggled with an unstable life and have since put down thick roots to create a more stable life. Or, perhaps, they just like the look of pine trees.

Tattoos are such a personal choice that someone needs to make. Getting a tattoo is a big decision because as we all know, they don’t go anywhere once they’re on. There are removal procedures, but they can leave scarring. Make sure it’s worth it before you do it, but love what you get!


Do you have a small or simple tattoo? What does it mean to you? Have you ever had someone think it means something completely different? Let us know in the comments!

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