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Simple And Easy Ideas to Update Your Fashion Style

Simple And Easy Ideas to Update Your Fashion Style

Updating your fashion style can be hard, especially if you are short on cash. But not all fashion styles can be bought at expensive boutiques and name-brand stores, and you won’t have to spend a huge amount of money either. Here are some ways to update your fashion style without spending your paycheck on.

Trade with Friends

While it might sound redundant, trading clothes with your friend is one way to update your fashion style. Haven’t you seen an article of clothing on your friend that you really loved? Well, maybe they don’t love it anymore. So, instead of going out to the store and buying it, you can try and trade it with one of the pieces of clothing you do not love anymore. Wollah, you have something brand new in your closet!

Of course, this idea can work only if your friend doesn’t love the article of clothing anymore or if they aren’t the same size as you. It’s also not the best way to get a lot of clothing options. However, this next option can get you much more options.


Host a Clothing Swap Party

Invite a few friends over to your house, and have them bring clothes they do not like anymore. After they have all gathered, start modeling your clothes and see if anything would be good to trade with. You and your friends can view all the options while having some fun in the process.

With this idea, you and your friends can exchange clothes and trust each other while doing so. Your friends wouldn’t bring something that’s been torn or stained and you wouldn’t either. And if you wanted to have it again, you could host another party in another year or two, maybe even sooner! By the end of the night, you and your friends will have updated fashion styles to add to their closets.

If you still have clothes that haven’t been chosen by the end of the night, no worries! You can bring them into a donation center to drop them off for someone else to look at. Or, you could spend some time looking in with this next idea.


Check Out Local Donation Centers

If you want to see a variety of different styles, hit up your local donation centers like Goodwill, Salvation Army, etc. They will have everything from clothes to shoes to purses to see what you can get out of it. The best part is, it won’t be super expensive! Some places might even give you discounts off your purchase if you bring in your own clothes to donate.

With this option, it may be easy to update fashion styles, but not everyone would be prone to this idea. Even with all the options in the center, some people might not find what they are looking for. Or some people would prefer to buy something brand new instead of looking at used clothes. But ultimately, it’s all up to you and how you would want to update your fashion style. 


Sales, Sales, Sales!

Who doesn’t love a good sale, especially if it’s at your favorite store?! Check the sales’ papers and the store’s website when they are having huge sales! This might be a perfect opportunity to really update fashion styles within your closet, but don’t get too crazy. Just because there is a sale does not mean you need to go out a buy something, especially if you’re not going to wear the item.

Always ask yourself when trying on clothes if you are ever going to wear this item again. If you’ll only going to wear it once, then you probably shouldn’t buy it. Here is something to remember whenever looking: do you really love this item? If you don’t love it, then don’t buy it. If you’re thinking about it, put the item in question back and walk around the store, thinking it over in your head if you want it or not.


Most of the time, you might just buy an item just because it is on sale. Don’t fall into the trap, but still think cautiously about it. You don’t want to get something and then have it just sit in your closet forever. 

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Try Something New

Maybe you don’t need to change anything to your wardrobe? Instead, maybe make a few changes to your outfit. Add a few accent pieces like a necklace or a scarf to what you’re wearing. Would a stylish hat compliment your outfit or maybe a cute headband? Try and see what you could do to add a little flair to what you’re already wearing. Maybe all you needed was something small to update fashion styles?


Get Inspiration From Others

Maybe you just need a little help? It is ok to ask for help if you think you need it. Maybe you saw someone wear the same shirt, but they had added a jacket or a simple necklace to it. Check online fashion blogs to see what they have done to their old clothes to update it and make it stylish. A little help goes a long way. But if none of that helps, you can always do whatever you want to your look.

Create Your Own Style

Updating fashion styles might be as easy as making your own! Have a pair of jeans that are getting too holey? Make them into a pair of shorts! What about a T-shirt with the sleeves fraying? Cut off the sleeves to make a tank top! With this idea, the possibilities are endless to update fashion styles!


Besides, you are the one who’s going to rocking out your new look! Plus, it could be the start of something new. You would be making something based on what you already have bought! Who knows, maybe you’ll inspire your friends to do the same thing and update fashion styles of their own. 

Be creative, and let your inspiration come out! Want to add some sparkles to your dress, go right ahead! You can tye-dye your shirt if you want to or even add some designs using fashion markers to your pants. Depending on what you do, you can wash your clothes if you don’t like the outcome of the look. All in all, it’s your look!

What did you think of these ideas to update fashion styles? Share us your thoughts in the comments below!

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