10 Signs You’re The Comedian In Your Family

Do your family laugh when you say something that wasn’t meant to be funny? Do you have to ask yourself if that was to savage? From a fellow comedian, here are ten signs that you are the comedian of your family.
1. Your family likes to antagonize you
If family members goad you at gatherings and appeal to your savage side hoping they’ll get a rise out of you, it’s likely that you are the life of the party. Everyone likes to laugh and if you’re called witty and/or savage, you’re probably the funny one in your family.
2. Everything is material
Even if you don’t realize it, you overhear conversations and twist what they’re saying into a joke. Maybe it’s something your alcoholic aunt said or the dorky outfit you uncle is wearing. Whatever it is, the comedian in you is begging to come out.
3. Expressionist
Not only do you have a ton of dramatic expressions of your own, but you have every one of your family’s goofiest expressions mastered as well. It’s not just the things you say that makes everyone chuckle, but also the many expressions you make.
4. You can make fun of yourself
I’m not talking about self- deprecation here. But if you’re able to make fun of yourself ( without being mean to yourself) and make a room light up with laughter, then you’re probably the comedian in your group. Making fun of yourself is easy because you know your faults and aren’t afraid to show them off.
5. Imitator
Expressions and words aren’t the only way to make a joke. If you can imitate everyone’s mannerisms then it is likely your one of the funnier members of your family. If Uncle Sensitive gets upset, you know you’ve mastered him.
6. You have a dirty mind
No matter what your mom says, dirty jokes are funny. If you can make a that’s what she said joke of just about anything your family says you can join us as family comics. Who doesn’t love a good dick joke?
7. You make people laugh without meaning to
Whether you’re with friends or family, everything you says gets a laugh. Even when you’re being relatively serious, your wit comes out and everyone chuckles. It can get a bit annoying sometimes but it’s nice knowing that everyone likes listening to you.
8. Jokes are constantly forming in your mind
When I walk around, I’m constantly observing people and unintentionally think of something funny. Whether it’s something someone did or my imaginative mind blending something I saw on tv with reality, I always lift my own spirits with a personal comedy show going on inside my head. If you think of a really good one, save it for a future date and share your hilarity with the world.
9. Meme Queen
You’re up to date on all the funniest memes and know how to insert the best ones into conversations. No matter what people are talking about, you know memes are the best way to lighten up a room. You can’t go wrong with Lord of the Rings.
10. People like being around you
If you’re the family comedian, you’ll be everyone’s favorite person. Whether you’re out to dinner or enjoying a holiday at home, your family and friends will strike up a conversation because you’re a great person to be around. Jokes are the way to everyone’s heart so don’t be afraid to show off your wit to those who can take it.