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15 Signs You’re A Little Too Obsessed With Youtubers

15 Signs You’re A Little Too Obsessed With Youtubers

Whether you enjoy watching gaming, makeup tutorials, DIYs, or vlogs; these are the signs to help you recognize if you are a little obsessed with YouTubers.

If you are anything like me, you enjoy watching YouTube videos on the daily. In my case, I really enjoy watching Whealth by Slaiman, Reaction Time, Mamrie Hart, and Mark E Miller, just to name a few. Whether you enjoy watching gaming, makeup tutorials, DIYs, or vlogs, here are 15 signs to help you recognize if you are a little too obsessed with YouTubers.

Sign #1

You are subscribed to all of their YouTube channels.

Sign #2

Your YouTube notifications are on, so every time they upload a video you are one of the first to watch the video and comment, “1st comment!”


Sign #3

You stay up late binge watching their old videos.

Sign #4

YouTube is not the only social media platform you follow them on.

Sign #5

You buy multiple copies of their book.


Sign #6

You listen to their EP or album 24/7.

Sign #7

You buy merch every time they announce a new product.

Sign #8

You ignore all of your responsibilities to watch their 20 minute vlog.


Sign #9 

You “ship” YouTubers after they collab for one video.

Sign #10

You are up to date with the current YouTuber drama.

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Sign #11

You comment on every single video they upload, hoping to get a reply.

Sign #12

You attend Playlist Live or Vidcon and wait hours to take a selfie; and talk to them for two minutes or less, and it makes your life complete.

Sign #13

You make gifs, videos, and art of them. You dedicate hours to these master pieces and hope that eventually they will see it on their feed.


 Sign #14

You spend hours writing fan fiction stories on Wattpad.

Sign #15

You know every single detail in their life. From their birth hospital, to their exact location on Saturdays

If your habits apply to more than half of these signs, you are definitively obsessed with YouTubers! On the other hand, I am glad that you are so supportive of others and will do anything to keep them excited about their job. Keep on obsessing! In the comments down below, tell me about your favorite youtubers!
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