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10 Signs Youre In Alpha Sigma Alpha At SJU

10 Signs Youre In Alpha Sigma Alpha At SJU

Being involved in Greek Life at St. John's University is amazing, no matter what chapter you're in. These are the signs you're an Alpha Sigma Alpha at SJU.
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Bright red windbreakers, a dying love for ladybugs (DOT is that you?!), amazing philanthropies; these are a few of the many things that characterize and make me love my sorority, Alpha Sigma Alpha. When I first started at St. John’s, joining a sorority was something I never thought I would do. Back home, Greek life really isn’t a “thing.” But as the weeks went by and recruitment rolled around, it started to grow on me… but I still wasn’t sure. After two years and two rounds of recruitment, as well as hours of deliberation, I found my home and I am so glad I did. What made me love ASA went deeper than I imagined, and it was the little things that truly made me realize it was the perfect fit for me. So here are 10 signs that you’re in Alpha Sigma Alpha at SJU!

1. You run on “ASA time”.

You’ll rarely ever be early to something. It’s safer for people to tell us to be somewhere 30 minutes before we’re actually supposed to be there. There are a few exceptions, of course (but not really that many).


2. You are never short of people to look up to and admire.

From bigs, to seniors, to alumnae, ASA is full of great women who inspire you everyday to be the best version of yourself, and who constantly keep you motivated. It’s easy to become a woman of poise and purpose when you’re surrounded by such amazing role models all the time.

3. You know that roasting each other is the main form of showing love.

You never take any insult seriously because you know that’s how sisters express their love for you. Whatever they’re slightly teasing you about is probably one of their favorite things about you!


4. You are willing to drop everything and run to your sister’s side if they need you.

Missing 20 minutes of a lecture is acceptable if you’re helping out a sister, right? It is for us.


5. You love your windbreaker more than any other article of clothing.

Ah, that windbreaker. There’s nothing quite like it. We’re so obsessed with it that we wear it all throughout the year, even when it’s too cold or too warm for it.

6. Your philanthropies have a special place in your heart.

There’s no better feeling than knowing that the service you do brings joy to those that need it most. Your philanthropies also remind you to be more open minded, tolerant, and kind; something the world needs a little more of from time to time.


7. You adopt the ASA core values as part of your everyday life.

You choose to follow the core values of ASA everywhere you go because it’s nice knowing you “joyously live each day to its ultimate good”. With the core values, you know the way to becoming a well-rounded person.

8. You “throw what you know” every opportunity you get.

Knowing that “only the best get crowned,” you throw that (4 POINT ONLY) crown proudly in the air at all times. There’s really no better accessory.

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9. You are with a sister at ALL times.

Your sisters become your best friends; so much so that you’ll never have to worry about being alone. You’ll rarely be caught without a sister by your side!


10. You don’t care what others say because you know you belong to the most amazing, diverse, and warm group of girls.

You are proud of your sorority and your sisters, old and new. Nothing anyone else says will change your mind about that. You are 110% sure that ASA is where you belong, and you’re happy about it, because you love your sisterhood, no matter what!

Being a member of Alpha Sigma Alpha at SJU has already influenced my life so much, in such little time. I am beyond ecstatic that I get to spend my college career, and beyond, with this amazing bunch of girls. I couldn’t be happier about getting to call ASA my home and gaining so many unique and wonderful sisters and friends.

Share your reasons for loving Alpha Sigma Alpha at SJU in the comments below!
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