12 Signs You’re From San Antonio

Growing up or living in South Texas gets you accustomed to some cultural quirks. Even though you might end up anywhere else in the world, you’ll always remember where you’re from. Some of the signs you’re from San Antonio are as follows:
Fiesta Means Holiday to You
When Fiesta comes around, the city becomes one big party. From Oyster Bake to the Battle of Flowers, every San Antonion has an experience with Fiesta.
https://www.thehotelcontessa.com/You Have Had Puffy Tacos at Least Once
If you are from San Antonio, then you have either tried or heard of a puffy taco before. Made popular by Henry’s Puffy Tacos, the unique food is well known around town.
You Rarely go to The Riverwalk…
Every San Antonio has visited the Riverwalk at least once, but the funny thing is that you will more than likely avoid it unless relatives from out of town come to visit. For decades most of the Riverwalk has been catered to tourists, but that has changed in recent years with the redevelopment of the Pearl Brewery and the surrounding area, bringing locals to the river much more often.
…Or The Alamo
Another San Antonio landmark that you may have been to only a handful of times. Most people from out of town remark about how much smaller it is than expected and how it is surrounded by the downtown. But every San Antonian knows that the missions on the Southside are the place to go if you are looking for a more authentic experience.
http://www.thealamo.orgThe Spurs are a Religion
Many people will probably envision images of the Spurs when thinking of the city. Locals are extremely prideful of the team and make all sorts of unique products to pay homage to their favorite team.
Barbacoa & Big Red are a Staple
One of the most popular food pairings in the area is (no not cheese and wine), barbacoa and Big Red. You can drive almost anywhere in the city and find a barbacoa shop that advertises the bubble gum flavored soft drink right along with it.
https://www.mysanantonio.comYou Have Adapted to the Hot Summers
Many San Antonians get used to the heat that comes in the summer months and lasts until the middle of fall. It’s not uncommon to find locals in shorts and sandals in October.
Your Vacation Spots are Often Not too Far Away
When locals want a change of scenery but can’t go too far from town, either the city just to the north is the place to go or a trip to the beach is in the plans. San Antonians love to hangout in Austin hotspots for the weekend or go relaxing on the beach in Port Aransas.
The Rodeo Is About More than Riding Bulls
When it comes to the rodeo, there are 2 types of people; the ones who go almost every year and the ones who can’t remember the last time they went. Regardless of which side you are on, the fun event offers great live music and activities to get you excited.
https://www.sarodeo.comYou Grew Up Admiring Selena
Selena Quintanilla had a deep history with the city and is from the South Texas region. It’s not hard to go around town and find at least one place honoring the late, talented singer.
You’re Familiar With the Northside vs Southside Rivalry
Many San Antonians have pride in which side of town they grew up on. One of the biggest rivalries is between the Northside and the Southside of town. If you grew up in the city, you probably had at least one friend from the other side of town that swore theirs was the best. But let’s not for get there is an East and a Westside, too!
You Think Breakfast Tacos are a Way of Life
Breakfast tacos become almost second nature in the city. When someone wakes up and decides to go out to get breakfast in the city, one of the first things most San Antonians think of is the heavenly item. In NYC it’s bagels, in San Antonio it’s breakfast tacos.