City Life

20 Signs You’re From Raleigh North Carolina

From the good deep fried food to the gut wrenching ACC tournament, read on for 20 signs you’re definitely from Raleigh North Carolina.

1. “GO PACK”

Even if red isn’t your team you’ll hear it anywhere you go: out to eat, your neighbors, at the grocery store, and you’ll probably end up cheering for them because they’re right down the road from you and always on TV.

2. You’ve probably been to the Biltmore for a field trip either in grade school or even in high school.

3. The ACC tournament tears apart families and friends.

Dark blue? Light blue? Red?? State is 10 minutes away, Duke and Chapel Hill are only 40 minutes away and everyone feels very strongly about which color they bleed and isn’t afraid to break relationships for their team this time of year.

See Also

4. Cookout, Bojangles, Goodberrys, Beasleys, and Krispy Kreme are some of your favorite places to eat.

5. You’ve probably bonded with your neighbors during a hurricane.

6. “We’re going to the beach for the weekend.”

7. “We’re going to the mountains for the weekend.”

Being almost smack dab in the middle of the state allows you to go wherever you want for the weekend and you can choose beach or mountains in less than a 3 hour drive.

8. You’re terrified of Durham.

9. “Y’all” is accepted in school.

10. You’ve also been to told to put something “up” before.

11. Walnut Creek and Red Hat were where you spend your summer nights… maybe even your high schools parking lot too.

12. You’ve tried fried Oreo’s, Jell-o, Cheese and much more at the fair.

13. You’ve had a snow day without any snow.

14. Getting frustrated and correcting people whenever they say Charlotte is the capital of NC.

15. You can find anything or go anywhere using Six Forks, Capital, and Hillsborough street.

16. 93.9, 94.7, 96.9, 97.5, 105.1  I guarantee one of those is on your presets in your car.

17. I bet half your high school said this Senior Year: “I’m going to Wake Tech but I’m going to transfer to State.”

18. You know exactly where “Survive and Advance” originated and you’ll always have a soft spot for Jim Valvano and the 1983 National Championship.

19. The Carolina Hurricanes won the Stanley Cup once right?

20. You never want to leave.

What are some other signs you grew up in Raleigh North Carolina? Let us know in the comments below!
Featured image source:
Isabelle Holliday

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