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20 Signs You’re From Lakewood Ohio

20 Signs You’re From Lakewood Ohio

With amazing people, Lake Erie sunsets, and beaches it is hard to find things not to love about Lakewood. These are signs you grew up in Lakewood Ohio!

Lakewood Ohio is a great city right on the western border of Cleveland, if you’re reading this chances are you already knows this! Keep reading to see 20 signs you’re from Lakewood that any one can relate to!

1. You own a horoscope necklace from Lion and Blue

You’re not really a teen girl in Lakewood until you own one.

2. You’ve been in at least one of the 4th of July parades

The forth of July parade is iconic, chances are you’ve been in it (whether you wanted to or not).


3. You still don’t understand why there’s a huge rivalry between Harding and Garfield

Even after many years you don’t get the rivalry between the two middle schools.

4. You don’t think you could ever live somewhere and not be 10 minutes away from the beach

Growing up by a beach, whether it’s Clifton or Edgewater, it’s something you’ll always be grateful for especially when you are currently hours from one.

5. You know nothing compares to Lake Erie sunsets

6. You’ve heard “you don’t have any buses? At all?” From your friends in neighboring cities

We had to walk in the rain, snow, and hail because Lakewood is a walking city.


7. You are tired of people asking you “when’s the school going to be done?”

The construction seems never ending and so does this question.

8. You have a love hate relationship with the colors purple and yellow

The dark purple and “gold” colors you’ve grown up with seem both great and terrible.

9. You can remember the exact details of where you were when the Cavs won the Championship

You can also remember the fireworks and the excitement after the warriors blew a 3-1 lead.


10. Your favorite school assignment was the boat regatta

Dressing up in the costumes was great, but falling in the pool after your boat failed was priceless.

11. You celebrate the summer solstice

The summer solstice at the steps is one of the best summer events of the summer and proves we have the best sunsets.

12. You’ve been to at least one Lakewood project concert

Whether it was a forth of July one or a winter one, we all grew up listening to them.


13. You know people at each of the Catholic high schools

Because there are 4 Catholic high schools so close by, chances are you have a friend at each.

See Also
Oh, the beloved Windy City. Chicagoland is called home by millions of lovely people. These are things that we get so annoyed to hear!

14. You knew one person who had their name on the fence by the playground at Lakewood park

And you would always try to find your name and pretend it was yours.


15. You hate explaining what the mods were

At least they gave you the opportunity to complain about walking in the rain.

16. You know people who had “save Lakewood hospital signs” longer than they should

17. You remember seeing movies at the Detroit theater

And you know people who tried to save it.

18. Your least favorite restaurant has taken the place of your old favorite restaurant

The restaurants change so often you never know what’s coming next.


19. You still are confused about Patton Foods

No one has been seen going in or out and the display case has been the same forever.

20. You love you’re community and you are so thankful for your amazing city

Do you have any other signs you are from Lakewood Ohio!? Share in the comments below!

Featured Image: weheartit