12 Signs You’re From La Verne, California
April 2, 2018

“The thought of being recognized? I was traumatized. Everyone left, and we went downstairs, and a woman walking with a cane, slower than everyone else, saw me. She pointed her cane at me and said, ‘You’re Dustin Hoffman, aren’t you? You’re the Graduate.’ I’d never been recognized in public before. She said, ‘Life is never going to be the same for you from this moment on.” Yup, if you’ve seen the infamous church scene in the movie “The Graduate” with Dustin Hoffman, that was filmed in guess where… La Verne! If you grew up in La Verne, California, you’ll understand these 12 things.
“You go to La Verne? Where’s that?” It’s in La Verne, California. Yup, I mean clearly La Verne is in the name “University of La Verne.”
You always feel extra safe knowing the police and fire department are only a walk across the street.
Driving down D Street to the real Starbucks is always more satisfying than Barb’s fake Starbucks.
There is absolutely nowhere to find food after 9 p.m., “Hello Circle K!”
You walk down the street and everyone in the town knows your name, your kid’s name and even your great great great grandpa
“Oh you go to Bonita, I went there back in 1960!” Almost everyone in La Verne, California has gone to Bonita High School (crazy right?!)
It’s totally normal to see the mayor, Don Kendrick, handing out candy on Halloween
Chases. A La Verne, California dinner time staple since well before I was born
Oranges, Oranges and more oranges
Pumpkin patches: as a kid, every October EVERY single school in the remote area goes to the same pumpkin patch (insert pumpkin joke here)
Student Discounts galore
Despite the orange and green, you have made little La Verne a place that you call home.
What do you think of these signs you are from La Verne, California? Let us know in the comments below!
Featured image source: weheartit.com