20 Signs You’re From Key West

Living in paradise is living in Key West. People travel for thousands of miles just to have a little taste of the salt life that we locals indulge in every day. From boat days to song writers festivals, here are 20 signs that you’re from Key West.
1. Another day, another sunburn
Living in the keys, it’s inevitable.
2. The crime report is our daily entertainment
It’s Key West, nothing surprises us anymore.
3. You’ve got Kims on speed dial
If you don’t constantly eat at Kims Kubans, you’re not a Conch. Plain and simple.
4. Tan lines are the norm
Everyone has them.
5. You’re either a Nole or a Gator
The island is divided when it comes to college football (sorry UCF and the “U”).
6. You’re always on island time
It’s true what they say, you go at your own pace when living on an island.
7. If it’s 70 or below, break out the Uggs
And the space heaters and the jackets.
8. ‘Kinis and Kinos
It’s a lifestyle.
9. Living on high quality H2O
The water is always perfect.
10. Buffalo Chicken Pizza. Enough said.
If you’re not out on the boat, you’re probably at Big Johns.
11. Knowing you’re closer to Cuba than to a Walmart
It’s fun having to drive 3+ hours just to leave the Keys and hit some real shops.
12. You grew up around drag queens
Seeing fully grown men in heels and stage makeup is a casual thing.
13. Constantly having to remind people that the “ch” is silent
If they’re not from Key West, chances are they pronounce the “ch” in “conch” and you have to constantly remind them its said “konk”.
14. Your teacher is your coach (and neighbor and your bartender on Saturday nights)
And probably your third cousin twice removed.
15. Living in bipolar weather
Nothing beats Key West weather…sunny at 3:00…storming at 3:06…sunny at 3:10.
16. Having to explain to northerners that yes, we have cars
Despite the island life, yes, we do in fact drive on roads with our cars.
17. Conch baseball
Game night is a family affair.
18. You rarely have a good hair day
And when you do it lasts about 5 minutes thanks to the wonderful humidity.
19. A sunset a day
You have not seen a real sunset until you have seen it from the comfort of Mallory Square.
20. Conch Pride
Key West isn’t just a community, it’s a family. Once a Conch, always a Conch.
Do you have any other signs you’re from Key West!? Share in the comments below!
Featured Image: weheartit