City Life

12 Signs You’re From Gainesville, Florida

Gainesville, Florida. The little, but big, town that is only about 64 square miles, but has over 130,000 residents. 90,000 of which cram into a stadium every Saturday during football season. Don’t worry, if you do not want to run your heater in the winter, just step outside, its most likely still 75 degrees. On the days it’s not raining? Don’t worry, you’re only two hours from Disney World and the beach. Here are 12 signs that you grew up in Gainesville.

1. You say “go gators” to anyone that you pass in Gator gear.

Walking down the street? Go Gators. Standing in line at Chipotle? Go Gators. This was most likely one of the first things your parents taught you, right before sending you off to kindergarten.

2.  Tim Tebow is basically family.

Tebow is a star in Gainesville. Everybody knows who he is, and everybody wants to meet him. Tim is discussed in conversations sounding more like one’s son or brother, rather than the star quarterback.

3. No pizza is Piesanos pizza.

A Gainesville staple, there is nothing like Piesanos stone fired pizza. The rolls drenched in Italian dressing? You’ll never want to stop eating them.

4. Garnet and gold are no longer part of your life.

I once heard a lady tell a car salesman that she would not buy a car because it was red. She said red was too close to garnet.

5. Publix is the only place for subs.

You’ll always know when the chicken tender sub is on sale because the line will be down the street.

6. Target is avoided at all costs during August.

The isles are filled with more dorm items than you can imagine. It will take you an hour to just check out.

7. The Florida Museum of Natural History is your second home.

You went here for your second-grade field trip (and every year after that), and you went here for your prom pictures.

8. December and March mean the Wiz and Cinderella.

If you’re from Gainesville, Florida, you’ve gone more times than you can fit on one hand, and you most likely knew more than four people in the show.

See Also

9. Your high school rivalries transfer to college.

A Buchholz High student would never be caught dead rooming with a Gainesville High student.

10. There’s a “your” Publix.

You know the layout like the back of your hand. Every worker knows your name and how that doctors’ appointment you had last week went.

11. You know all the backroads.

At 5 p.m. on a weekday, you’ll never get home if you take archer road. Backroads are a must if you ever want to get home.

12. You’re basically an alligator whisperer.

Your fear of alligators is virtually erased. That may not be a good thing.

Let us know what you think about Gainesville, Florida in the comments below!
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