15 Signs You’re From Cleveland OH

Cleveland, Believeland, The Land. Whether you were born and raised in Cleveland or recent to the area, everyone can agree that it’s far from a mistake on the lake. From the West side to the East side, Clevelanders share a love for their city, and definitely share the same experiences living in the 216. These are the 15 Signs You’re From Cleveland OH!
1. Everyone around you lives and breathes for the Cavs.
Even all the way down to the suburbs of Akron, everyone in Northeast Ohio is a Cavs fan and will defend the Land unconditionally. Nothing brings Cleveland closer than basketball, especially during the Finals. And of course, after the end of a 52-year curse.
2. Actually, sports are just generally really important.
No other city has fans quite like Cleveland. Yeah, the Cavs are amazing and the gem of the city, and everyone loves the Indians. But is there any other city that would come out to watch a losing football team play in the snow like Cleveland does?
3. You’ve downed a ridiculous amount of chips and queso from Barrio before.
There’s no shame in stuffing your face with $3 tacos and addictive queso and guac. Whether you’re in Tremont, East 4th, or Fairmount; Barrio is always crowded with people looking for delicious tacos and margs.
4. You can drive through the snow like it’s nothing.
Lake effect snow has nothing on your driving skills. Although, the pot holes that appear in the spring are a different story.
5. There’s a love/hate relationship with concerts at Blossom.
On one hand, there’s nothing like summer concerts in the middle of no where with half of Cleveland. Plus, there’s always the promise of Swenson’s afterwards. But it’s so crowded that you end up spending over 3 hours in traffic getting in and out.
6. No ice cream will every compare to Mitchell’s.
Nothing like seeing everyone and their mother in Mitchell’s on weekend nights, but the ice cream is to die for.
7. The RTA at Tower City can be overwhelming.
Whether it’s after a Cavs game, Indians game, St. Paddy’s Day, or any other big event. The rides down to Tower City are packed, and the fight to get on the last RTA back home is even worse.
8. No one outside of Cleveland will understand the beauty of grocery stores.
Specifically, the beauty of Heinen’s on Euclid. I don’t know who decided to place a grocery store in such a beautiful building but I would like to personally thank them.
9. You’re used to everyone outside of Cleveland hating on Cleveland.
Anyone who doesn’t live in Northeast Ohio, tends to hate Northeast Ohio? I don’t know what anyone could have against the greatest city in the world, but I will continue to defend the Land.
10. West Side Market is a foodie’s paradise.
There’s no other place like it. With a billion stands with every type of food you could think of, it’s the best spot on the West Side no matter the time of year.
11. The Metroparks are the best in the summer.
There’s something magical about the Cuyahoga Valley and I don’t know what it is but I’ll continue to appreciate it.
12. University Circle is basically the most beautiful place in the world.
Between the restaurants and shops in Uptown to Wade Oval, there’s absolutely no way you could get bored. And one of the best art museums in the country is also the most beautiful place on earth.
13. And the Flats are underrated.
Yeah it’s where all the industry is, but between the restaurants and bars on the East Bank and Jacob’s Pavilion on the West Bank, it’s just as busy as downtown. And the view at night is amazing .
14. Edgewater Park is the place to be on hot days.
Or really any day. But it does have the best beach in the Land with an amazing view of the city.
15. CLE Love
Above all, Cleveland is the best, and everyone who has ever lived there knows that and will always love the CLE. Don’t ever change, Cleveland.
Do you have any more signs you’re from Cleveland!? Share in the comments below!
Featured Image: weheartit