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20 Signs You’re from Carmel Indiana

20 Signs You’re from Carmel Indiana

Carmel Indiana may not be very well-known, but it has been the best place to grow up. These are the signs you're from Carmel Indiana!

Oh, Carmel Indiana. The town where your high school dominates state championships, you know everyone and their mother (literally), and the entire community is very FTK. These are 20 signs you’re from Carmel Indiana!

1. You know the difference between the East and West Side.

2. You went to the biggest high school in the state of Indiana.

3. You know how to use a roundabout.


4. You know exactly what look you’re going to get from people when you tell them you’re from Carmel.

It isn’t a good one.

5. Your high school sports team has more state championships than any other school in the United States.

6. You applied to IU, Purdue, and Ball State.

7. You have taken more than one selfie with the statues downtown.

8. You know there are cops on Rangeline, Meridian (31), and 146 at all times.

9. Steak and Shake is a must after every home football game, but the one in town is SO slow.

10. We take spirit days, very seriously.

I mean very seriously


11. The monon center is where you spent a lot of your time during the summer growing up.

12. You have to leave your town to get Chick-Fil-A.

13. You played Carmel Dad’s Club growing up.

Most often multiple sports at the same time and your dad was the coach.

See Also

14. You always see someone you know either working or eating at Bubs.

15. You don’t live by a cornfield unless you’re on a border of the town.

16. You know the only places to get food after 10 pm are on Carmel Drive.

17. You or your friends have a juul and may or may not sell the devices and pods to lower classmen.

18. Your town had 11 elementary schools, 3 middle schools, and one high school.

19. Graduation always takes at least two hours just to call names.

20. Your high school is extremely FTK and has the largest dance marathon of all high schools in the United States.

Do you have any other signs you’re from Carmel Indiana!? Share in the comments below!

Featured Image: weheartit
