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20 Signs You’re From Brookfield

20 Signs You’re From Brookfield

From summers spent at Candlewood Lake to nights spent at diners, there are just some things that anyone from Brookfield can relate to!

From summers spent at Candlewood Lake to nights spent at diners, there are just some things that anyone from Brookfield can relate to. These are the 20 signs that you are from Brookfield!

1. You know someone who works at Stew Leonard’s if you don’t already work there yourself.

The “World’s Largest Dairy Store” definitely has the tendency to mostly hire students from Brookfield. You know it’s impossible to walk through the store without running into someone you know.

2. You make Ferris Acres Creamery runs at least once a week.

No matter the weather, no matter the line, and even no matter how bad the fresh smell of cow poop is that day, you always find yourself making the trip to Newtown to get a scoop (or three) of undeniably the best ice cream in the state.


3. You spend the summers on Candlewood Lake.

Even if you don’t have a boat, you find yourself trying to make a friend that does have one before the school year comes to a close.

4. You jump off of Chicken Rock.

Just as the name says, if you live in Brookfield and have not jumped off of this rock, you are indeed a chicken.

5. You eat lunch at Down the Hatch.

Brookfield is home to the only restaurant on the lake, and we are proud of it! Whether you arrive by car or by boat, it is a great place to eat and enjoy the view of the water.


6. Friday nights during the fall consist of football games and dinner at Wendy’s.

After a good game from our successful football team, we take a trip to Wendy’s. You know why? Because Wendy’s is for Winners.

7. You go to the Bridgewater Country Fair at the end of the summer.

The Bridgewater Country Fair marks the end of the summer. It’s the last carnival you get to go to for the season. It’s also your time to pretend to be a farmgirl/boy as youwalk through the rows of cows, sheep, and other farm animals.

8. Everyone, I mean everyone, wears Vineyard Vines.

Just as you would expect from any other town in Connecticut, EVERYONE wears Vineyard Vines. You never know if you’ll come into school wearing the same exact outfit as someone else (boy or girl).


9. Bagelman is ALWAYS the move.

No matter if you move away from town or leave for college, nothing will ever beat a fresh bagel from Bagelman.

10. You have photo shoots at Happy Landings.

It’s almost impossible to scroll through Instagram without seeing the photogenic background of a Happy Landings’ sunset.

11. You are always going to diners.

Since Brookfield is such a small town, there is not much to do late at night besides eat! You often find yourself going for late night diner runs where you always run into other people from town that had the same idea as you.


12. You eat your after school lunch at Mobil.

Yes, other people see Mobil as simply a gas station, but to Brookfield alumni, it is home to the best sandwich shop around.

13. You jump off of the Bridgewater Bridge… illegally.

Even though jumping off of the bridge is technically not allowed, jumping off of it into Lilinonah is a Brookfield staple. You know why? Because when your friend jumps off of a bridge, you follow them. That’s the saying, right?

14. You take a hike at Lover’s Leap.

Although some of us may not have a lover to share this ‘hike’ with, it is still home to one of the most beautiful views of the water — especially in the fall when the leaves are changing.

See Also

15. The old Kids Kingdom. Period.

Although the old, wooden playground may be gone, we still have the memories and the scars from our splinters to remember it.

16. You watch the Fourth of July fireworks at the Danbury Fair Mall.

Every Independence Day weekend you cozy up under a blanket and watch the fireworks while sitting on top of your car to ensure the best possible view.


17. You go apple-picking at Blue Jay Orchards.

When the leaves begin to change, it is apple-picking season in Brookfield (even though the orchard is actually in Bethel). Also, you can’t help yourself from buying a package of apple cider donuts on your way out.

18. Your high school is home to the best fan section in the state: the Bombsquad.

Most importantly, Brookfield’s Bombsquad is one of the best out there. We have led many teams to MANY victories. Especially this year. Shoutout to State Champs: Boys Soccer, Boys Basketball, Boys Swim, and Girls Swim!!

19. You are a Bobcat for life (or maybe a Whisconier Wildcat too).

When you grow up in Brookfield, you will ALWAYS bleed BLUE and GOLD. Remember to believe that you will win! 😉


20. No matter how far you go, Brookfield will always be your home.

We all love Brookfield whether we like to admit it or not. There is no place any of us would rather grow up.

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