21 Signs You’re Embracing Senioritis

I am officially on the senioritis bandwagon. With six weeks to go before I a bid au revoir to my college, I can fully understand my fellow seniors. We are tired of homework, projects, dealing with professors and even our classmates, if we are in the realm of keeping it real.
So how does one embrace senioritis?
1. Avoid going to class.
If at all possible. We tend to calculate just how often we have to go to class without receiving a failing grade on our last semester.
2. Communicate by text.
Since we’re already missing class we can’t just COMPLETELY abandon school so we communicate with those who show up to class with a quick “what did we do in class today?” and a “what’s for homework?” text.
3. Organize yourself!
Believe it or not writing down what needs to get done (but not actually having the motivation to do it) is a form of senioritis. Take out those beautiful pens and write it down in the beautiful planner of yours that after graduation you’ll probably never use again.
4. Binge watch on Netflix.
Of course when you have a billion projects and writing assignments to do you OBVIOUSLY need to start a new show and become completely obsessed with it.
5. Have a meltdown.
What better time to think about the fact that you are about to start your adult life without the safety net of college than months before you actually get that degree? Cry it out before you walk on that stage.
6. Job search!
Along with your meltdown it’ll probably be best if you start looking for jobs online. Spruce up your resume while you’re still in school. Make sure to visit the career center before you don’t have access to it anymore.
7. Have a “me” day.
Do what you like. Like reading? Go to a bookstore. Like walking? Go to the park. Love eating and shopping? Go to the mall or a plaza. Go out and do what you want as long as you’re not thinking about all the homework you have to do.
8. Organize your room.
Do spring cleaning in October, during midterm’s week, because no one is the boss of you. And you obviously need a clean organized space to think about ALL the things you need to do as a senior.
9. Volunteer!
Because your time can’t possibly be busy enough with school and probably a job on the side. *Side note: Volunteering is great. Make sure to volunteer if you have time to.*
10. Write the next American novel.
You have all the time in the world to write a 50,000 word book about this princess alien trapped under water fighting for her Octopus boyfriend that has been in space for over 500 years.
11. Read your TBR.
I know I can’t be the only one who has books in my shelf that I want to read but don’t have the time for. Suddenly, seniorities kick in and it seems to be the perfect time to read all 60+ books in my to-be-read shelf.
12. Spend time with family.
There’s no better time to really have a heart to heart with your family then when you are contemplating on whether to finish that paper you have due in three hours.
13. Write thank you cards.
It’s time to take out that cellphone or old high school yearbook and write thank you cards to all those people that helped you get to where you are today. About to graduate.
14. Think…
About how you SHOULD be doing all the homework for all your classes but you’re not.
15. Don’t chill on campus.
Chilling on campus will just remind you of your unproductivity and you don’t need such reminders.
16. Go on an adventure.
Go to that new place you’ve been dying to go for a while. The feeling of excitement might not be the same once you are a graduate.
17. Work out!
Senior year seems like the perfect opportunity to lose the freshman15.
18. Consider a different path.
Was your elected major your first choice? What if you wanted to major in history but your parents wanted you to major in business administration? Time to think about those changes and the impact it would’ve had in your life.
19. Spend time on social media.
What better way to procrastinate studying and extend seniorities than spending time on Facebook, complaining about all the work you have to do.
20. Stalk celebrities.
Social media is great for this. It’s a great way to get distracted and embrace your senioritis.
21. Embrace the bucket list.
There’s no better time to think about everything you want to do in the future than the present. So start writing that bucket list. It’s not going to write itself.