10 Signs You’re Definitely From LA

Calling all my LA girls (and boys!): this one is for you. Whether you’re living in up downtown or catching some rays by the beach, we all call Tinsel Town home and are pretty proud to be from LA. TV shows, movies and internet trolls might think they know us, but they’re just scratching the surface. Here are 10 signs you’re definitely from LA.
1. Fur Babies Make Your Heart Melt
We all know someone/are someone who has a little doggo named after a flower. A Maltese named Rose, a toy poodle named Daisy or a frenchie named Violet, just to name a few. Who walks their dog on a leash anymore — we all know it’s about those dog strollers. Bonus points if your four-legged friend has their own Instagram!
2. Your Uber Rating is Uber Important
Anyone and everyone knows your rep is deeply affected by your Uber rating. Some of us take great pride in being good riders. Having a night out and your friend is getting a bit messy? We’re definitely ordering the Uber from her account… can’t risk my 5-star rider rating.
3. Juice Cleanse = Life
Have you heard about the health benefits of celery juice? If you’re from LA, you probably have. The health bar on Sunset was having a deal on pressed juice and you couldn’t resist. (6 for $30, score!) You have a major party this weekend and you have to fit that dress. What for dinner? Spinach, beets, lemon and apple juice? Some call it juice, we prefer a four-course meal.
4. Cow Milk = Not Life
If you’re from LA, whole milk in your morning lattes are a travesty. We all know almond/oat/rice/cashew milks are the way to go. They’re double the nutrition with half the guilt! (No cows harmed in the process!) The barista at Alfred Coffee already knows to have your double shot latte with oat milk ready to go by the time you get to the registers.
5. The Cost of Parking Makes You Cry
I can’t be the only one who still flinches when I see the parking rates. The only thing worse than paying $10/hr to park is paying $10/hr then having to walk four blocks to your actual destination. Sometimes we’re lucky and can score Princess Parking! (You know you’re from LA when you know what Princess Parking is…)
6. You’ve Spent Serious Time on the 405
Are you really even from LA if you haven’t broken down at least once on the 405? Some of the best and worst memories can be made in your car sitting through rush hour traffic… or really anytime traffic because it’s the 405. We’ve laughed. We’ve cried. We curse the other drivers. We’re really close friends at this point.
7. You’ve Posed In Front of Some Wings
Whether it’s a pair on Abbot Kinney in Venice or on some intersection in downtown, chances are you have snapped a pic in front of pair of wings painted on a wall. Finding them is easy, captioning the pic is hard. Fess up: how many do you have on your feed?
8. You Have a Fav Work Out Trend
SoulCycle at 5:30 p.m. PowerCore tomorrow at 7 a.m. Kickboxing sesh after work! 24 Hour Fitness is so yesterday. Whether it’s on a spin bike, on a yoga mat or whatever new work out studio opened down the street from your apartment, you prefer to sweat it out in class over a gym. Spin basically changed your life and you can’t stop talking about how much you sweated in hot yoga last Sunday!
9. You’ve Partied on a Rooftop in December
Everyone has partied on a rooftop at least once in their life, but it’s so LA to do it in winter. East Coaster’s like to say we don’t know what a “real” winter is, but who cares? It’s the middle of winter, we’re on a rooftop and on our third vodka soda; they’re bundled in blankets and on their fifth season of FRIENDS. I think we win here.
10. You’ve Been Interrupted During a Photoshoot
When I ask for a pic, I really mean a photoshoot. The streets of LA are littered with people trying to get the perfect shot; sorry, this wall is just too pretty and this outfit is way too perfect. My fav activity is spotting the influencer trying to get a photo for a brand deal.