15 Signs You’re Being Too Clingy In Your New Relationship

Being in a relationship is exciting. You get to go out with someone that piques your interest and have a good time.
Though it is always good to evaluate your relationship. Here are a few signs that you’re being to cling in your new relationship.
1. You Get Mad When They Go Out Without You
It is only natural to want to go out with your partner. Going out with your partner makes some of the best experiences and memories. It is also natural for you to go out without your partner, some healthy space if you will. Clingy people get angry when you do this though.
2. You Are Always Together
Healthy space huh? Not if your clingy partner has anything to say about it. Clingy people will never let you have your own space. No matter f you will be gone for five minutes, they will want to tag along.
3. Phone Calls That Last For Hours
Your relationship will grow and evolve into something great. You will want to interact with your partner every day, but you, or your partner, become clingy when the phone calls last for hours.
When you try to get off the phone, they whine or coerce you into staying “just a bit longer”. This turns out to be another hour. Now you’re running late for work.
This shows that your partner does not respect your goals in life, because he or she does not respect your time.
4. You Have A Problem With Your Partner Spending Some Time With Their Friends
Just because you are in a relationship does not mean the rest of your social life is to be put on hold. If you have a clingy partner you will notice your friends slowly falling off.
Your clingy partner will question every aspect of your outing with your friends. He or she wants to know who will be there, where you will be, and when you will leave.
This level of clingy-ness can be very exhausting and you will find yourself annoying, that is if you haven’t drunk the Kool-Aid already.
5. Your Partner Needs To Know Where You Are And What You’re Doing At All Times
You just can’t catch a break with someone who is clingy. even if they already know where you are, they will call or text you to “check-in” on you. This is one of the clingy traits that will probably slip past your radar.
6. You Stalk Them On Social Media
Your bae hasn’t responded to your message yet? Maybe you will head over to their Instagram page just to see if they’ve posted a new story in the past couple of hours. Spying on your partner is never a good sign in a relationship. It shows just how clingy, and consequently impatient, you are.
7. Excessive Texting
Again with the excessive texting? This is not healthy. In any productive relationship, you need time and space away from your partner. This can be a mission for failure if you are always messaging him or her.
A clingy person will feel hurt or think the worse when his or her partner does not reply. If this does not trip your clingy radar, well good luck.
8. You Are Moving Quickly With The Relationship
First, you meet, go out on a few dates, and three months in, you are talking about marriage. Whoah now, pump the breaks right this second!
If you are the one pushing to quickly, you are the clingy one. The best memories in a relationship happen when you both take your time and get to know one another. Though, when you just want to rush into everything, your clingy side begins to show and this ruins your relationship.
9. Telling Them You Love Them Constantly
Of course, letting your partner know that they are a big part of your life is important in any relationship. Though, nothing reads clingy than telling your partner you love them every five minutes. This shows that you feel the need to constantly reassure yourself by hopelessly expressing your love for your partner.
10. Jealousy
Jealousy is the not so silent killer of any relationship. Jealousy is a sign of a clingy person as it reveals that the person is not secure in themselves. You don’t know yourself so you hang on to your partner for dear life! Anyone who even comes near your partner will receive some jealous anger darts from you.
The jealousy can also be very subtle, like a feeling in your chest.
11. You Are Weird (OR Angry) When Your Partner Compliments Another Person
Clingy alert! Your partner does not want to compliment another woman or man in front of you. This is one of the clingy indicators that shows just how insecure you are. You feel as if your partner sees something in the person he or she is complimenting and begin to overthink, causing you to overreact.
12. The Relationship Determines Your Mood
If your partner rubs off on you, you are clingy. This means that if your friends, co-workers, and family notice a difference in you then our partner is rubbing off on you. This can be either negative or positive.
Having a fight in your relationship, so you’re a bit irritated at work? Yeah, clingy.
13. Inviting Yourself To Events With Your Partner
Being clingy means you are very pushy. You heard your partner was going out so instinctually you invite yourself along. You go on and on about how two will have such a great time together but fail to realize you were never invited. You though just because your partner told you about the event that he or she was automatically inviting you along.
14. You Always Suspect Your Partner Of Cheating
Your partner seems to get along too well with friends or coworkers. You see this automatically as an indicator that your partner is cheating.
A real clingy thing to do don’t you think? Again, this reveals some of your insecurities.
15. You’ve Lost All Of Your Interests
A coworker once told me, “You lose yourself in every relationship.” This makes it even more important to have some healthy space away from your partner.
You used to love reading, going to parks, but your partner doesn’t so you give in to his or her interests, compromising yourself.
Being clingy in a relationship is painted in a dose of puppy love and over time dulls the whole relationship. Have I missed something? Let’s chat about it.
Alacia Murray is pursuing her B.A. in Creative Writing at Agnes Scott College. She loves to read, write, play old board games, and eat. Writing is her passion because it gives her the opportunity to express herself in a safe space. She loves to encourage people with her writing.