15 Signs You’re Becoming A True New Yorker

Whether you were raised in the suburbs or rain forest, there are signs that prove you are becoming a true city gal or gent! But not just in any city, the concrete jungle where dreams are made of, the big apple! Keep reading for 15 signs that you are becoming a true New Yorker, yay!
1. Your new-found independence!
Not only is New York City known as the concrete jungle where dreams are made of, but for the independent New Yorkers who hustle and grind! In New York City, no one is paying attention to you nor do they care! They are determined and focused on what they need to get done for themselves. Not you boo! You may have been independent or thought you were before you got to NYC. However, you learn to grow more independent by adapting to this city’s independent atmosphere and drive, focusing on your OWN hustle and grind!
2. Late Nights!
NYC is also known as the city that never, like EVER, sleeps! If you find yourself needing noise to fall asleep, then you have become accustomed to NYC’s roaring spirit! When your mom asks if you got your 9 hours of sleep:
3. You know the Subway System!
Anyone who has ever been or lived in NYC knows there’s a intricate subway system! From alphabet letters to numbers and streets, it can get pretty confusing! You know you are becoming a true New Yorker if you can easily identify which subway route(s) take you uptown or downtown… and so on so forth lol!
4. You get bored in and begin to hate the suburbs!
Okie, maybe not hate the suburbs or rural life lol, but you do begin to resent it a little! NYC is a city that has something great and beautiful to offer to everyone. It is a city where magical things happen! Maybe not LITERALLY lol!
5. You learn to love your legs and hate driving!
Apart from learning how to use the NYC subway system, as well as actually understanding it, you really learn to appreciate the legs! Not only is walking obviously healthy but walking in NYC is fun and a great way to really REALLY see, experience and feel the city’s atmosphere! Not to mention, the subway system sometimes breaks or has some construction going on. Therefore, going by foot is a great way to get around!
6. Your “New Yorker Attitude.”
So, New Yorkers have this reputation for their “attitude;” their rude and I do not give AF attitude lol! This may be true however, it is not the wholehearted and defined truth! Yes, New Yorkers generally do not give AF about what you are doing or wearing. They are NOT really paying attention to you boo! If you find yourself much more goal oriented, inspired, and passionate about your OWN personal success, you are becoming a true New Yorker…. YAY!
7. You may pick up a bit of an accent!
That New York accent everyone loves may be heard in your voice! Now, this, of course, depends on how long you have lived in New York. Little things such as saying, coffee, may change because you are around those who pronounce it “differently!” CO-OFF-EE… lol.
8. You have sadly seen a couple to a few rats/mouses/roaches… Eww.
It is no secret that NYC is an especially dirty city…smh! If you have not witnessed your first rat/mouse/roach within the boundaries of your home, outside or at the subway station, then you have not lived in NYC long enough.
9. Rain Every day!
Hahaha, not literally people! What I mean is leaking AC machines! Ew. You know you are becoming a true New Yorker when you walk down the street, you know…. looking all cute and then BOOM, you feel some liquid dripping down the back of your neck. You only look up to see the clear blue sky and say… WTF!
10. Pigeons do NOT give AF!
Huh.. these birds have a knack for getting real close. A little TOO damn close! Flying over you, next to you, in front of you, behind you. They are EVERYWHERE. Like, give me some SPACE, please! TF! However, you know you are becoming a true New Yorker if you instill fear in them instead of letting them instill fear in you. Ya, feel me? 🙂
11. Pizza, Pizza, and PIZZA.
New York Style Pizza baby! New Yorks finest and known dish! There is literally a Pizza place on every block! You know you are becoming a true New Yorker when you know the best pizza places in your area, 100%!
12. You gain a better appreciation for FOOD!
New York may be known for its pizza but it is also known for its food diversity. Because NYC is so populated and culturally infused, there is just about anything and everything you could ever want in food. This does depend on which borough you are in! If you have a craving some hardcore genuine soul food Brooklyn or Harlem is most likely your best bet. You know you are becoming a true city New Yorker when you appreciate all types of food… yummy.
13. You become culturally “woke.”
Speaking of cultures, New York City, Harlem to be exact, is known for black culture. That is just one of the many examples of being culturally “woke” in NYC. You know you are becoming a true New Yorker when you have met people from all walks of life and become open-minded to liberal and progressive ideas.
14. Awkward and Gross Smells become… Normal!
We all know NYC is NOT the CLEANEST city in the world! As a brand new New Yorker, you will smell things and question if something is wrong. You are becoming a true New Yorker when these awkward and gross smells disappear… lol gross.
15. Driving a car becomes… weird.
After you get used to walking and the subway, driving a car feels WEIRD. You find yourself constantly readjusting your seat, fixing and checking the mirrors, and gripping the wheel. When you go to the bank and they ask for an ID, you look in your purse and you are amazed you STILL have that junior operators license. You have gotten so used to the fast pace atmosphere in NYC waiting for that damn red light to turn green is mayhem! You are becoming a true New Yorker when you find yourself rushing, even if you are going to the corner store LOL!