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20 Signs You’re An Out-Of-State Student From North Carolina

20 Signs You’re An Out-Of-State Student From North Carolina

When you move away for school, a lot of the people from your school can tell that you aren't a local. Here are 20 signs you're a student from North Carolina

It’s crazy that it’s only been a year since I’ve moved out of my comforting house in NC all the way out here to LA for college. Even though it was last year, I feel like it was just three days ago when I packed all my bags and took off to the west coast. But through all the hype and stereotypes, there’s always signs that showed I was an Out-of-State kid from North Carolina. These are the 20 signs you’re a student from North Carolina!

1. People always assume that you’re either from Charlotte or Chapel Hill

I get it. When people first think about North Carolina, people always refer to either the booming Queen City or the elegant pastures of the college town Chapel Hill. But, not all of us are from that booming big city or that big name college town. I came from Greenville, NC, a place very familiar to people in NC and on the east coast. When I moved out to LA, people just say, “Where?”.

2. You instantly become a semi-celebrity the minute you go back

This may not be the case for everybody, but when I was back home, even for twenty-four hours, I instantly felt a change in the places where I grew up hanging around. The people who I was around in high school saw me on a more celebrity status. I don’t know if this is due to the whole “I miss [name], I wonder what he’s doing” vibe, but the minute you head back home, there is excitement from everyone who somewhat knew you.


3. Everyone you know outside of NC refers to Number 23

Speaking of Chapel Hill, Michael Jordan’s NC presence is still vibrating to those outside of North Carolina. When people think of Chapel Hill, they think of UNC, and when they think of UNC, they think of the great Michael Jordan.

4. You’ll always have love for Duck Donuts

Because you’re outside of North Carolina, Duck Donuts doesn’t have a big stamp. Even though there’s hundred of boutique donut shops outside of NC, you’ll always have a heart for Duck Donuts because it’s stamp on NC and the east coast.

5.  You’ll also have a love for Krispy Kreme

Even though you can get Krispy Kreme essentially anywhere in the United States, Krispy Kreme somehow always tastes better in North Carolina. Maybe it’s the home-state vibe.


6. You remember that school was canceled when there was even a CHANCE of snow

Sometimes it would be the best thing ever and other times it would be the biggest bitch ever.

7. You remember those late night runs to Cookou

8. You miss the BBQ

The bbq was simply better in NC and I love having it when I get to go back home.

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9. You remember how much you miss Bojangles

10. Speaking of Bojangles, you probably remember savoring it before taking off

11. You cringed when the Bears took Mitch Trubisky

12. You had an addiction to dabbing

13. You somehow feel like a foreigner when you go back

There is something about leaving for a few months and getting used to the everyday life in your new location. Once you go back home, everything feels different.

14. You remember when Cam Newton was God-like

15. But you kinda like this new Mccaffrey kid

16. College Basketball is religion, breaking apart friends and family for about five months or five games

17. You had the luxury of picking either the beach or the mountains

North Carolina has the best of both worlds.

18. You remember going to the Biltmore Estate at least once or twice

19. You probably ordered a pack of Cheerwine because every place outside of NC doesn’t have it

20. You miss the friendly smile and welcoming culture that is NC

People in LA are friendly, but there is nothing like the people from back home in NC.

Do you have any other signs you’re a student from North Carolina!? Share in the comments below!

Featured Image: weheartit