The only dates we care about are the series premieres. Here are 15 signs you’re a Columbia College Chicago TV Major, and yes identifying a show from just a GIF is one of them.
We’ve all done it. Don’t lie. You’ve blown off friends to go sit in your dorm and watch the latest Netflix Original or even to re-watch a show you’ve seen a million times. Jokes on you when it actually comes up in class tomorrow.
The dreaded Cage, home of all shooting equipment. Carry light kits at your own risk. You’ll either gain biceps or strain your back.
Who needs to binge watch it when it’s in every single one of your lecture power points? If you haven’t watched it, you’ll be educated on it no matter what. If you’ve seen it, take a breather and relax for a lecture. You’ve earned it for following Walter White for 5 seasons.
Yes, your teacher chimed in. Yes it was over what the greatest teen show of the 90s was and you will firmly stand your ground between Saved By The Bell and Boy Meets World. It’s important.
It’s not a writers room if you’re not yelling over the littlest changes in your script. Rage on and don’t forget to eat the complimentary muffins while you do so.
Oops. Your teachers said to be as authentic of a set as possible and you were the one who had to feed the cast. It’s ok though, this is why you have a ramen stash. The show you’re filming is worth it anyway, right?
A free day? In this major? You haven’t treated yourself in years. Your Saturday is going to be full of filming or planning. Treat yo self with some good grades.
You really don’t want to admit it to your teacher, so you’ve pushed back filming a day so you can get permission to re-shoot during class. This saves you the embarrassment of admitting your failure, and hope for a slightly less dumpster fire of a project.
Until you drop that little sucker on the floor without your name on it and it can only be identified when it’s popped into a computer. Now all your terrible shots are exposed for the world to see that you really have no idea what you’re doing.
Because lets face it, you can never remember if that dent was there when you checked it out and you want to be 100% sure before you turn it back in.
Yeah I thought that was due months ago too. Turns out it’s being reviewed and you need to change one of your volume levels or else you’re failing.
Dorms don’t have DVRs and you don’t have Hulu. You’re stuck making arrangements that let you leave a night shoot early. It’s all for educational content anyway.
They’re out there rain or snow. You might not even watch the show, but its all about networking. Who cares if you’re late when you might get a PA side job.
So what, maybe you didn’t exactly get permission for that location. You’ll be in and out in an hour tops right? If your crew behaves that is.
The amount of times you’ve had to correct someone that says you’re a film student is too many to count. If you got money each time, you’d be able to pay your tuition out of pocket by now. Don’t you dare confuse us with the film kids.
Featured Image: weheartit
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