20 Signs You’re A Long Islander

If you are a Long Islander you have encountered these 20 signs multiple times. Here are the most frequent signs that tell us you are a Long Islander.
1. You live ON Long Island. Not IN Long Island.
And you correct people about it every time they screw it up.
2. Your go-to breakfast is an egg sandwich.
There’s just no arguing this… unless you’re going for a bagel today because, you know, cheaper.
3. You realize everyone is Italian (sort of).
Apparently no one wants to admit to any other nationality.. until there’s a St. Patrick’s Day parade.
4. You understand that Billy Joel might as well write us an anthem.
Is there a single person on Long Island who doesn’t know every word to every song this man has ever sang? Is he ever going to STOP preforming for us? The questions are endless here.
5. Manhattan is nothing more than a day trip.
One of the greatest cities in the world and we just come in for boozy brunch on Sunday’s.
6. You say cawfee
Don’t deny it…
7. You refer to SUNY schools as if everyone knows them.
I’m sorry… do you not know some of the biggest party schools in New York? Oh you don’t… oh they’re not that big? You went to Alabama?! Okay.
8. Suffolk Vs. Nassau… it’s not the same.
Shout out to my 631.
9. You refer to everything past NYC is upstate.
Sure you may barely be in the middle of the state but I’m all the way at the bottom so.
10. Your pizza place by your house is “the best one”.
I’m just saying… they can’t all be the best. Besides, the one by me is the best.
11. You take a party bus to the vineyards.
Is this classy? No one cares. Summer… Fall… we are getting dressed up and we are drinking SO MUCH WINE
12. You have to leave your house an hour earlier during Fall season out east.
I have to get to work and I’m sitting on the road watching people throw over-sized pumpkin’s into a cart for 45 minutes. HOW IS THERE ONLY ONE ROAD?!
13. You have eaten at a diner after a good night out.
I don’t care what diner it is… you have left a bar and gone to get yourself some greasy food way more than once. Am I right?
14. You can pronounce these towns correctly.
Patchogue, Ronkonkoma, Quogue. But can you always spell them… ?
15. Lacrosse. The Football of Long Island.
Did anyone know that it’s not that big in other areas? Like… why?
16. You’ve been to King’s Park at night.
Trespassing? No I am learning valuable history out here.
17. You’re never more than 20 minutes from the water.
Is that amazing or is that amazing?
18. You’ve been to more sweet 16’s than you can count.
Okay yes I had one too.
19. You use the term “dead ass”.
It’s a question… it’s a response… it’s a diss; and we are the only one’s who use it.
20. Everyone assumes you’re from the Hampton’s.
No. I do not have a house next to the Kardashian’s summer home.
Let us know what you think about being a Long Islander! Drop us a line!!
Featured Image Source: weheartit.com
I'm just out here living my dream.