10 Signs You’re A Leo

Being a Leo is an extraordinary gift granted to the chosen ones who are met to rule the world. If you agree with this statement then chances are you’re a Leo. Being a Leo is quite a responsibility for individuals born between July 23 – August 22. A Leo’s symbol is the lion which is the leader of the pack. Leos maybe stubborn but they know who they are. Here are ten signs you’re a Leo.
1. Leos Embrace The Fire Element
A Leo’s energy is much like fire, creating a brightness in dark situations. Leo signs are able to bring life to social events and parties. However, they can also be controlling in a way that looks genuine without coming off as being mean. Similar to the sun, a Leo stays energized with warmness. Leos are the light that brings life to many communities.
2. A Leo Loves Hard
Leos are passionate individuals with big hearts. When it comes to love and relationships Leo signs are open and determined to cherish their significant other. When a Leo gives love they expect the same love in return. If a relationship can’t hold itself alongside a fiery Leo personality than it won’t last too long. A Leo sign gives love to the fullest and that quality alone shows the greatness of the fifth zodiac sign.
3. A Leo Loves To Be The Center Of Attention
When a Leo thinks of themselves playing in a movie most likely their casting themselves as the lead role. A Leo is a natural born leader and doesn’t intend to let anyone steal their shine. Though, Leo signs are capable of listening we know this spunky zodiac sign has the special power of selective hearing mastered over time.
4. Leo Signs Are Goal-Oriented And Committed
A Leo never loses sight of their goals and dreams. When they want something they go after it. Goals are important to Leo signs who find themselves needing to stay on top of their life. Often times you can find a Leo trying to manage the life of their friends and family as well. Sometimes that method doesn’t always sit well with people on the other end of a counseling session with a Leo. However, a Leo’s intentions are pure.
5. Patience Isn’t a Quality A Leo Is Born With
When a Leo wants something they want it now. Patience isn’t a quality that comes to a Leo naturally. Sometimes a Leo will pretend they know how to wait but waiting for something they really want eats them up inside. Every great leader has their downfalls and patience is the death of a Leo.
6. Creativeness Is Embedded In a Leo’s Blood
Leo born individuals are very creative. A Leo knows how to turn something simple into something unique and different. This is why many Leo born leaders fall into careers in entertainment, writing, management, communication, and marketing. These types of jobs allow for creativeness and are made for people with an open mind.
7. A Leo Can Be Dramatic Beyond All Belief At Times
Leo signs are known for being too dramatic at times. This goes to show that having a dominant personality can go to one’s head at times. Regardless, being dramatic doesn’t take away the fact a Leo is influential to their peers.
8. A Leo Often Lacks Emotion
A Leo may not always showcase the deeper sides of themselves but that doesn’t mean they aren’t sensitive. Leo signs are very sensitive with great acting skills to mask their true emotions. A Leo leads and they get caught up in that mindset. Sometimes it’s hard for a Leo to express any other emotion between happy or mad. But when a Leo finally breaks all their hidden emotions come out in an atomic bomb fashion.
9. A Leo Is Very Loyal
Leos are very loyal to their friends and the people they care about. A Leo may come off as heartless at times but they always have their friends and family’s best interest at heart. A Leo is able to keep secrets and pride themselves of being trustworthy over other zodiac signs. When push comes to shove a Leo is the one who will be standing beside you in tough times.
10. Socializing Is The Way Of The Leo
Whether a Leo is an introvert or extravert they have the ability to become very social when they want to be. In some cases, Leo signs are chatterboxes especially among people they are comfortable with. Leo signs aren’t afraid of getting into deep conversations with total strangers or being too extra in a conversation. Being social is the way of the Leo who make communication very important in any of their relationships.