10 Signs You’re A Frat Groupie At SJU

Frat boys, we love them, we hate them. However, it’s inevitable that they make our college experience that much more memorable. Without them, there wouldn’t be mixers, there wouldn’t be parties and we wouldn’t have some really strong friendships. We all know them and whether you think you could be one or not, here are signs that you have officially become a frat groupie at SJU.
1. You are the first girl to arrive to every party.
2. You don’t refer to them as (fill in frat), but instead, as “the boys.”
3. You beg your friends to go to their events with you.
4. You promote their chapter at the activities fair as if you’re a part of their organization.
5. You spend more time at their house more than your own.
6. You would never date any of them.
7. Some of your best friends became your friends because of your mutual frat groupie ways.
8. You never get asked what you’re doing on the weekends because you always end up at the (fill in frat) house.
9. Your spring break plans are their spring break plans.
10. You’re an honorary brother.
Have you become a frat groupie at SJU? Comment below and be share the article!
Featured photo source: simqui.com and wegotthiscovered.com
Nikki is a 20-year-old born and raised in the city of Miami, Florida who followed her dreams and decided to move to New York City. As a student at St. John’s University, she is a Communications major with a minor in fashion studies. Her passions include traveling, food, fashion, photography, and writing. She’s a firm believer that anything can be cured with a good laugh and a cup of coffee.