15 Signs You’re A Business Major At The University of Iowa

If you’re a business major at the University of Iowa, chances are there are a few telltale signs. From the way we dress to our endless amount of Pat’s Diner punch cards, it can be pretty obvious.
Here are 15 signs that you’re definitely a business major at UIowa.
1. Anyone say pantsuit?
You know how to rock a suit, pantsuit, skirt, button-up, heels, or dress-shoes better than any of your friends. Walking around campus in your suit on any given Wednesday also puts you way ahead of any of your peers.
2. You Can Give an Elevator Pitch at a Moment’s Notice
In the very unlikely occasion that you get stuck in an elevator with a business superstar, you can wow them with your pitch and they instantly hire you! Luckily, BCAP prepared you for this very moment time and time again. In case that never happens to you, it can always be used during an interview; which you will crush.
3. Your Resume is Rockin
Proper headings? Strong verbs? Cause and effect? Business majors at Iowa have the whole resume thing down. While this may mean you got a B on it during BCAP, don’t worry, you’re still ahead of other majors.
4. Your LinkedIn has more connections than Facebook
Who needs FB friends when you have LinkedIn connections? Your All-Star rating on LinkedIn reflects the effort you put into making the connections with every visiting lecturer and career-fair attendee. Also, the super cute headshot you got through a student org is shining for potential employers to see.
5. One Word: Pappajohn aka PBB
Between studying on the third floor library or getting food at Pat’s between classes, this is your home away from home. It also means that you have explained that, NO, it is not the same as the pizza company, countless times.
6. You Have a Pat’s Diner Coffee Punch Card
You probably also get a free coffee weekly due to the insane amount of caffeine you have to consume. The weekly menu is also memorized due to lunch dates being planned there. But, finding a seat at a booth can be nearly impossible after a class.
7. You Know How to Network like No Other
GPA? What’s that? You’ve been told time and time again that “it’s all about who you know” and you have nailed that. You are the ultimate charmer. On the airplane and meet an interesting seat mate? It’s already known that you will get a business card or connect on LinkedIn.
8. You Have Mastered Handshakes.
Not too soft, not too firm. Your handshake will give the vibe that you are not too firm that you’ll crush their hand, but enough to let them know that you mean business.
9. You Get Told by Non-Business Majors that You Chose an Easy Major
That engineering friend that tells you how many hours they spend doing Calculus ABCD893 and wishes they were a business major? Yeah, we’ve all heard it. But how about Financial Accounting and understanding Microecon? You have fun taking that!
10. You Kinda Suck At Math
Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Stats for Business and Stats for Strategy? Hahaha. You were able to pass these classes due to the extreme curve and incredible use of a cheat sheet written in -5 pt. font.
11. You Map Out How Your Business Friends Can Start a Business
As soon as you think of a business idea you think about how your friends in Tippie can be on your team? Accounting friend? Check! Marketing Major? Check! If you’re in Tippie you are pretty much set to have a stellar business team in case you come up with a million dollar idea.
12. You Join Student Orgs Because They Are Resume Builders
When you have a student org meeting to go to 4+ nights a week but can’t drop because you just need them on your resume. Or when you join a small org just so you can be on the executive team. Anyone say management experience?
13. You Get Excited for Henry B. Tippie’s Birthday
Cake, ice cream, and balloons, what could be better? Tippie is quite the legend and meeting him in person is as exciting as meeting a worldwide celebrity, but with the Midwest charm.
14. You Sometimes Dread Group Projects
Group projects can either rock or be dreadful depending on who you are paired with. However, you have learned to deal with those who do nothing and bashed them in the reviews to get back at them for the all-nighter you had to pull to finish the project meant for three people.
15. Graduating is Bittersweet
No more group projects, stats classes, or diner food. But also, you will miss the amazing friends, free giveaways, and professors that truly cared about your success. Tippie may be just a launching pad, but it is one that unites many students who are glad to call it home for their four years.