15 Signs You Were Meant To Be A Writer

Have you always known that you were meant to be a writer? Or are you someone who loves to write but isn’t so sure if it’s the right career path for you? Either way, we’ve compiled a list of fifteen signs that you were meant to be a writer. Hopefully these signs will point you in the right direction.
1. You love the news
Especially if you are meant to be a journalist, you are someone who is always up to date on what’s going on in the world. You are most likely a news junkie who checks the news at least once a day on your laptop or your phone. You read a lot of articles, so writing your own should be a piece of cake.
2. You grew up with your nose stuck in books
Who needs socializing when you’ve got books to read, right? You probably spent a lot of your free time reading while growing up and there’s a good chance you still spend a lot of time reading.
3. Your preferred method of communication is through text
Text messages are so much less hassle than phone calls, right? When writing your thoughts, you have time to think about what you are going to say and you can type out your message accordingly. One sign that you were meant to be a writer is that you are an expert texter.
4. Your text messages are often long with correct grammar and punctuation
You never send one or two word text messages. You always use complete sentences with correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. One sign that you were meant to be a writer is that two word responses from people probably drives you nuts, because you would never do such a thing yourself.
5. Writing essays are easy for you
When other students complained about essay assignments given in class, you just shrug it off because they are easy for you. Essays are far better than tests, right? For a writer, they are. You know exactly what to say and how to say it. Your professors love you for your constant quality papers.
6. You would rather e-mail someone than call them
When it comes to contacting a business for customer service, you usually choose to contact them through e-mail rather than call them. Writing is much more comfortable for you and it’s your preferred method of communication, especially with people you don’t know.
7. English was your best subject in school
Chances are, if you were meant to be a writer, subjects like Math and Science were not your best subjects in high school. You most certainly excelled in English, as reading and writing papers are your specialty.
8. You sort out your thoughts by writing them down
You often sort out your thoughts by writing them down. You definitely keep a ton of notes in the notes app on your phone and making to-do lists everyday is part of your routine. Why keep things inside your mind when writing them down in a physical form makes things so much clearer?
9. You kept a diary growing up
One sign that you were meant to be a writer is if you kept a diary while growing up. Those teenage years can be pretty angsty and the best way for writers to sort out their angst is by writing about it. Those diaries are probably pretty embarassing, though, so you either threw them out or kept them in a secret hiding place.
10. You run a blog
Most people who are meant to be writers have run a blog at some point in their lives. Whether it’s a personal blog about your daily life on LiveJournal or a blog about your favorite beauty products or TV shows, you were definitely meant to be a writer if running a blog is one of your favorite hobbies.
11. Your posts on social media are always grammatically correct
You get so annoyed whenever someone doesn’t spell things correctly on social media or when there is a grammatical error in their text. Heaven forbid you have an error in your posts. You always make sure your sentences include a period and are grammatically correct before posting. Any errors would be so embarassing!
12. You follow writers on social media
If you were meant to be a writer, there’s a very good chance you follow other writers on social media. Whether it’s a writer of a blog you really enjoy, a published author or a journalist, you definitely want to keep up with at least a few people in the writing world.
13. You enjoy sharing information through writing
This fact applies mostly to writers who are meant to be journalists. Journalists are addicted to news and finding out information. Once they’ve got the scoop, they can’t wait to share it with the world. Their favorite way to transmit that information is through the written word, of course.
14. You would rather write a long paper than give a presentation
Some writers are also good at speaking. Some are not good at speaking. If you enjoy writing papers and would rather do so than give a presentation in front of your class, then there’s a good chance you were meant to be a writer.
15. Friends and classmates ask you to proofread their papers
You are such a good writer that your friends and classmates ask you to proofread their papers to get your opinion on them. They wouldn’t just hand their papers over to just anyone. If they trust your judgement on their writing skills, then chances are you were meant to be a writer.