10 Signs You Went To Central Dauphin High School

Spending the last 4 years of my life at Central Dauphin High School (CDHS) was definitely a roller coaster of unexpected events. Some people say that your high school years are the best 4 years of your life, but I disagree. However, if you ever attended CDHS then I know you’ll be able to relate to these 10 signs!
1. Shouting CENTRAL DAUPHIN HIGH at the end of the Alma Mater at every home football game
Every high school has their own Alma Mater. But, Central Dauphin created the tradition of shouting the last 3 words of our Alma Mater at every home football game. It’s kind of funny watching the reactions of the opposing team as we belt the words out at the top of our lungs.
2. Pick-up trucks and confederate flags in the parking lot is common
Being located in Central Pennsylvania you can only expect this right? I can’t even begin to count how many of these things I have spotted in our student parking lot. There is also a big chance that the owner of these things will be fully decked out in camouflage gear.
3. Getting the hard cookies at lunch
At the cafeteria check out line the cookies tempt you, so you decide to get a chocolate chip cookie with your lunch. OK, so the cookies look fine from the outside, but just try biting into it. CD’s cookies are the hardest cookies any student with try to eat in their life. Some swear that they have to be made with concrete. One time a student tried biting into one of these cookies, but it was so hard that they gave up and threw it away.
4. You know the struggles of the outdoor eating area
If you recently attended CDHS then you know about this place. Located just outside the cafeteria doors, this is a nice privilege for us students to go outside to enjoy our lunch. The tables are on a first come, first serve basis. So, one day my friends and I decided to grab a table outside. Worst. Decision. Ever. We conveniently picked the hottest day that May to eat outside. The sun was beating down on my friends and I and we couldn’t take the heat anymore. After 20 minutes of putting up with the heat, we surrendered and went back inside to enjoy the cool A/C.
5. You are fully aware of the CV rivalry
Coming to CD as a freshman you were told as many times as possible how big the CD vs. CV rivalry is. Sports teams in specific. I grew up through my years of high school thinking how horrible CV is, although I don’t personally dislike CV as a school. It’s strictly a little school rivalry, but that definitely doesn’t leave out the select few students that take this rivalry to the heart. It is so relevant in our school that even our Class of 2017 President made a funny joke about CV in his speech.
6. Several CDHS alumni moving on to PSU after graduation
As a senior at CD, everyone is curious as to where their fellow classmates will be moving on to next Fall. I couldn’t tell you how many responses I have gotten or Instagram bios I have read that said “PSU 2021”. PSU is a great school, and the drive isn’t that bad from our area. At this rate I wouldn’t be surprised if going to PSU is just like high school all over again.
7. The Love/Hate relationship with Special Features
As an underclassmen we all roasted the special features that played following the morning announcements once or twice, depending on whether or not the senior class that year made good videos.
8. The “Dress Code Police” Principal
It is a reoccurring thing every spring that numerous girls get sent home due to the smallest hole in their jeans, or running shorts. It’s warm outside, let a girl live!
9. Seniors winning at every Pep Rally
The pep rallies at CDHS are pretty entertaining to watch, and also very competitive. No matter how hard each grade tries, the scores are always altered so that the seniors end up winning. No other class has ever taken the trophy.
10. The crazy traffic leaving school
The second the clock struck 2:30P.M. students bolted to the student parking lot. Any CD student that drove home from school knows that leaving the parking lot alone can take up to 15 minutes. I would get out of school at 2:30P.M. and wouldn’t get home until 2:50P.M. and I only live 6 minutes away!
Have any more signs you wen to Central Dauphin High School!? Share in the comments below!
Featured Image: weheartit
WVU Journalism student. Lover of travel and adventure.