15 Signs You Might Not Make It To Winter Break

As the weather gets colder and the days get shorter, there’s only one thing students care about: winter break. But as work piles up and laziness sets in, you realize you may not last that long. Here are 15 signs you may not make it to winter break.

1. You’ve completely stopped going to the dining hall or making your own food.

Ramen again? Sounds about right.

2. When you wake up in the morning, you strongly weigh the pros and cons of going to class.

Sure, you already blew all your excused absences back in September, but an extra hour of sleep just sounds SO good…


3. If you DO get up for class, you don’t bother looking presentable.

Sweats and a hat? Perfect.

4. Then you walked outside, realized it was freezing, and went back to bed.

Bed = warm. Long walk to class = cold and miserable.

5. When you show up to lectures, you sleep or scroll Instagram until the hour ends.

I mean, the professor puts the notes online, and you’re TOTALLY going to look at them later…. maybe.


6. You constantly text your friends at other colleges to make sure they’re struggling as much as you are.

You’re just checking in! Or trying to make yourself feel better….

7. You spend every second leading up to your classes in bed, and then dive right back in the minute you get back.

It’s Just. So. Warm.

8. You haven’t been to the library in…. you don’t even remember how long.

Was it Tuesday? Last week? Last month!?


9. And when you do actually sit down to study, you spend more time on social media than you do reading your books.

I know, Society19 articles are way more entertaining than a textbook, trust me.

10. You really want to go to bed at 9 p.m., but procrastinated all your work so you know you’ll be up until 2 a.m.

You know you did this to yourself, but it won’t stop you from complaining about it!

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11. The mere idea of walking ALL the way to campus events is painful to think about.

So you just stay in your room all day like a hermit.

12. You call your mom way more frequently than you did a month ago.

To talk, to cry, to ask for more money so you can have food delivered and continue the cycle of never leaving your room.

13. The amount of cereal you’ve consumed the past few week is unholy.

Part of a balanced breakfast! And lunch! And dinner!


14. You’ve convinced yourself that you’ve officially watched EVERYTHING on Netflix.

Because binge-watching fictional TV shows is the only thing distracting you from the multiple papers you have due.

15. You get more and more like a kid on Christmas Eve as the days get closer and closer to break.

Until you realize you still have to get through final exams… hold on, kid. You’re almost there.

What are some other signs you might not make it to winter break? Share below!

Featured image source: That Youtuberino