10 Signs You May Be Starbucks Obsessed

June 26, 2017

Oh, Starbucks! How do I love thee? I am a proud member of the obsessed crowd of frappucino lovers who know the secret menu by heart and have reached gold card status. These are the 10 sure-tell signs that you’re obsessed!
1. Naming drinks after your cat is a normal thing.
2. You want to make a giant Frappucino storage bin.
Because who doesn’t, am I right?
3.You want to make a Starbucks charger.
Take it one step further and make your entire room Starbs themed.
4. You know the entire secret menu.
5. You cried when you could not get the Unicorn Frappuccino.
6. Buying so many drinks you have a gold card.
7. The barista knows you by name.
8. The release day of Pumpkin Spice Lattes should be a national holiday.
After-all, it is one of the best days of the entire year.
9. You anxiously await the release of the red cups.
Oh the holidays, how we love the flavors that you bring!
10. You thought one of the lyrics in “Blank Space” was “Starbucks Lovers”.
If anyone tells you that you love Starbucks too much, just walk away. You don’t need that kind of negativity in your life.
Share your favorite drink in the comments below if you’re Starbucks obsessed!
Featured Image: weheartit

Rhonda Dunlap
Leo. Lady Boss. Gamer. Classic Film Fan. Coffee. Crazy Cat Lady. History/Vintage fan. Book Dragon.