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10 Signs You Like Dogs More Than People

10 Signs You Like Dogs More Than People

Let's face it. Dogs are sometimes so much easier to be around than people. If you're a dog lover, here are relatable signs you like dogs more than people!

Let’s face it. Dogs are just so much more enjoyable to be around than people 99% of the time. If you are a dog lover, then you will completely relate to the signs you like dogs more than people!


1. Your favorite part of Thanksgiving is not the parade, it’s the dog show after.



2. You share waaaay more dog videos on Facebook than actual pictures of yourself.

3. You willingly walk up to strangers to ask to pet their dog.


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4. You find yourself spending hours on YouTube instead of studying for finals.

5. You can’t even consider dating anyone who doesn’t like dogs.

6. You involuntarily squeal at the head thing.

7. You know who Cesar Milan is.

8. You get tagged in dog videos by friends at least once a day.

9. You can’t breathe when you see a well-trained Good Boy show off his tricks.

10. If any of your friends see a dog, they immediately send you pictures and videos.

How can you resist their cute faces?! These are the top signs you like dogs more than people!

Can you totally relate to these signs you like dogs more than people!? Share in the comments below!

Featured Image: weheartit