15 Signs You Grew Up In Your College’s Rival Town

For 18 years I have been a Virginia Tech Hokie.
Also for 18 years, I have lived in Charlottesville, Virginia. For those of you unaware of the significance, Charlottesville is home to the Virginia Cavaliers aka Virginia Tech’s biggest in-state rival.
I guarantee if you’re like me and grew up in your college’s rival town all your life, you’ll have lived through everything I am about to tell you.
1. Wearing Virginia Tech clothes in public and having at least one UVa fan walk up and say, “I think you’re in the wrong town!”
2. When suddenly you’re applying to college and all of your friends who were once UVa fans turn into Tech fans…
3. Wearing Virginia Tech clothes in public and having someone come up and say, “Wow, you are really brave.”
4. When you’re at a tailgate in Charlottesville for the football game, you have at least one UVa fan gobble at you and ask what a Hokie is.
5. When you go to Blacksburg and you disappointingly tell people where you’re from, they repeatedly say, “Bless your heart.”
6. Having to order all of your game-day apparel online or drive all the way to Blacksburg.
Because not a single sports store in Charlottesville carries Virignia Tech apparel.
7. After UVa loses yet again, you constantly hear “We’re good at everything else other than football, especially basketball.”
8. A UVa fan gobbles at you.
Not just at a game when they’re drunk off of wine. This happens in line at the grocery store, at a movie, and when you’re walking the halls at school.
9. Wherever you go, you always hear someone talking about how amazing Tony Bennett is and how he’s such a great coach.
May be true, but clearly UVa has never seen the greatest coach of all time aka the great Frank Beamer.
10. During UVa hate week, you run around bragging about how good you are at football and how UVa sucks, but really you’re nervous about the game.
But when you win (and we always do), you are relieved and rub it in all of your friend’s faces.
11. If we lose a game in any sport, you hear about how you’re a Chokie for weeks.
12. Going to a basketball game and having a UVa fan tell you how we’ll never win a game and that we suck at basketball.
13. This must be what it’s like to be a UVa football fan.
The only difference is that we actually beat UVa in basketball too, but they still can’t beat us in football.
14. Also, what do you guys not get about the fact that we could literally lose every game of the year, as long as we beat UVa we’re happy.
15. Whenever we beat them in ANY sport, UVa fans comeback is always “you’ve never won a National Championship and we have.”
16. Going out in public on a UVa game day is actually painful because the only color that goes with orange is maroon.
17. No matter what, you always find one Hokie wherever you go.
Whether it’s driving down the road or eating dinner at a restaurant, you can always count on another Hokie being there.