12 Signs You Grew Up in Steubenville Ohio

Steubenville- Just another small town where you know everyone, and everyone knows you. Here are 12 definite signs you grew up in Steubenville Ohio!
Skate Land was THE place for birthday parties.
The most exciting moments in elementary school- birthday parties. If you had your party at Skate Land, you knew every kid in your class would be in attendance. Best part of the party was when the DJ played hits and they brought out the limbo stick.
The four-day Greek festival that everyone in town goes to.
If you ever find yourself in town during the festival, make sure to try the Greek fries and gyros, they are to die for.
You not only know the people in your class, but people in other classes from other school’s cousin’s boyfriends.
You really thought that embarrassing incident that happened to you wouldn’t get around? Next thing you know people from all local schools know and the rumors go flying. Don’t even try to gossip because they will find out.
The ideal spot to take pictures for dances was at the fountain no matter the weather.
Sure, there were at least six other groups at the fountain for pictures and it was raining but is there really anywhere else to go?
We question why we even have chain pizza places in our town. Square pizza or nothing.
I promise after you’ve had our pizza, you’ll never go back to Domino’s or Pizza Hut.
The ideal fun night is a trip to Sheetz then driving around jamming to throwbacks with your best friends.
You’re back to being freshly licensed, your car is filled with friends and you’re scream singing Hannah Montana, High School Musical, and in my friend’s case, Four Chords. You’re all laughing, sipping on your milkshakes and eating mac and cheese bites knowing these good times won’t last forever, but why not make the most of what you can before you have to be home for curfew.
When at a red light, you know everyone in the car beside you.
Oh hey, it is my brother’s girlfriend’s aunt’s sister-in-law.
You had pasta at least once a week for dinner whether it was at home or one of our authentic Italian restaurants.
Not only is Steubenville known for its family owned pizza places, but it is a city of strong Italians with ambitions to keep the pasta life alive for centuries to come.
It’s a buggy, NOT a shopping cart.
Until I went off to school, I would have never second guessed calling it a buggy until I had gone on a Walmart trip and got made fun of by my friends. But yes, we are all aware the formal name is a shopping cart, but it is still a buggy.
You can literally catch any high schooler at Tim Hortons on a Friday and Saturday night (before they changed their hours…)
In high school, Tim Horton’s was where you met up with friends from other schools or hung out at after a game. Not to mention it was your breakfast stop on the way to school, and you waited in the long drive through line even though you knew it was going to cause you to be late.
The perfect date ends with a kiss at the Top of the world.
What’s better than sharing a romantic moment while standing in a cemetery looking over the city and Market Street Bridge?
But were you even at the Top of the World if you don’t post a picture of the market street bridge?
After that romantic kiss or just visiting with friends, you have to document on Snapchat that you were there and have a photo shoot.