20 Signs You Grew Up In Plymouth MA

They say that home is where the heart is and there is no place quite like it. This small town just off of the cape keeps a big part in everyone’s hearts. Here are 20 signs that you grew up in Plymouth MA.
1. We all Love to Tell Everyone The Rock is Fake
Driving by Plymouth Rock downtown is a comedy session, you and all your friends and family laugh at the tourists who actually believe the rock has been there since 1620.
2. Everyone’s Yearly Field Trip Was to the Plymouth Plantation.
When you were little it wasn’t even a question that as soon as November rolled around you would get a permission slip to take you to the plantation. You and all your friends would get on the bus and go to meet all the pilgrims and learn about your towns history and the first Thanksgiving.
3. Whitehorse Beach.
The best beach in the eyes of everyone under 25 that lives in the area, and you can’t go without seeing at least 10 people you graduated with. Every Third of July you’ll find half of the state at the beach watching the fireworks and making bonfires.
4. Choosing Between the 456839 Ice Cream Shops in Town.
It is impossible to drive 5 minutes in any direction without finding an ice cream shop. In the summer you have an endless amount of places to pick from, but once tourist season ends, everyone knows that Peaceful Meadows is the best place to; but prepare yourself to also see half the town while you’re there.
5. The Ponds.
The biggest and most inconvenient development in the town. At least fifteen of your friends live here but it takes 28472 years to drive there because it’s not anywhere near the highway or your house.
6. The North Vs. South Highschool Rivalry is Never Ending.
The best and biggest rivalry of all time. Nothing was better then sitting in the fan section at the Thanksgiving football game or the Christmas and Valentines Day basketball games.
7. The Endless Amounts of Roadwork at the Most Inconvenient Times Ever.
There truly is no good time for roadwork, but seriously who schedules the repaving of all the highways and roads in Plymouth in the middle of summer.
8. Coffee Runs are Before School Essentials.
You will drive any distance to get coffee before school no matter how long the line is when you arrive there or how close you’ll be cutting it to the 7:20 bell.
9. You Thought You Were Gonna Get a Movie Studio.
In 2008 it seemed like all of your fantasies of becoming a movie star could finally come true when you heard that Hollywood East was opening in Plymouth. It was what you thought could be your big break or ticket to stardom.
10. Praying for Gary to “Make The Call” .
Every time you turned on the news and there was the mere threat of snow you would cross your fingers and pray for your local superintendent to call home saying there will be a snow day tomorrow. Gary Maestas was a local celebrity and you could only hope to here his voice on your answering machine.
11. Everyone goes to one of the UMASS Schools.
Every year come May 1 it seemed like half of the senior class wore a UMASS shirt to school pledging there commitment there. You and all your friends have at least 10473289 friends that go there and when you go to visit, it is like going home for the holidays. You have to make time to fit in all of your friends in 2 days.
12. There is Nothing You Dread More Than Biking Season.
Biking season. There is truly nothing worse. Trying to take a turn off of a side street takes 5 minutes at least. Bikers fail to realize that theres something called a bike lane and they ride in the middle of the road, you have to risk your life to dodge them unless you wanna wait and make it down the street an hour later.
13. When People Don’t Know Where Plymouth is You’re Genuinely Offended.
When people don’t know where Plymouth is you are genuienly angry. “WHAT?” “How do you not know where Plymouth is ?? Where the pilgrims landed?”
14. Friday Night Football is the Biggest Excitement In the Town
There is nothing that this town loves more than youth sports, especially football. The entire town flocks to either North or South to watch whoever is home that week; kids, parents, alumni, staff, and siblings all fill the stands to cheer on their beloved hometown team.
15. Begging Your Parents To Take You To Sled At McDonald’s On SnowDays.
The best sledding hill in Plymouth is located just off of Exit 5 at the McDonalds. When you were young you used to beg your parents to drive you there but not before you AIM Messaged all of your friends and changed your status to busy.
16. Driving Through Any Weather Just To Get Your Coffee.
Wether it is a monsoon or blizzard, 105 degrees 0r -5 degrees you will be in your car on your way to get an iced coffee and donut at Dunkin.
17. Everyone Has A Stack Of Dunkin Donuts Napkins In Their Car
When asking your friend for a tissue in their car there is no question that they will hand you a stack of Dunkin Donuts napkins.
18. Manomet Point is your go to spot after a bad day.
There is no spot that is more therapeutic than Manomet Point. Looking out at the beautiful blue water while listening to your favorite music and drinking your Marylou’s is the cure to any bad day.
19. You Absolutely Despise Cape Tourists.
Cape Tourists are the worst kind of species that was created, especially the kind that comes around Fourth of July. Trying to go anywhere Thursday through Sunday is a joke, because it will take you an hour to drive up the street when you are met with all of the cape traffic and tourists.
20. No Matter How Much You Say You Hate It You’ll Always Be Back.
Everyone claims that they hate this place and will never return but deep down inside this will always be home and every year you look forward to coming back when school is over.
Let us know if there are any other signs you grew up in Plymouth MA! Comment below!
Featured Image Source: weheartit.com