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20 Signs You Grew Up In Northern Virginia

20 Signs You Grew Up In Northern Virginia

NOVA is definitely one of the best places to grow up and has a lot of things that makes it special. These are 20 signs that you call Northern Virginia home!

NOVA is definitely one of the best places to grow up. It has its flaws like every city or town, but it also has things that make it special. These are 20 signs that you call Northern Virginia home!

1. You’re used to overwhelming amounts of traffic.


2. You tell people you live in D.C. to keep it simple.



3. School field trips are usually to museums in D.C.


4. The weather is ALWAYS unpredictable.


5. High schools have snow days even when a few flakes fall in another county.



6. High schools take pride in their sports teams and football games are a major event.


7. You have a graduating class of 500 people or more.


8. You’re surrounded by drivers who are always in a rush.



9. There’s always construction within a mile of you.


10. A yellow light means speed up so that 4 other cars can get through.


11. You don’t consider Virginia a southern state.



12. I-66 is you’re second home.


13. You’re either team UVA or team Virginia Tech.


See Also
Growing up in St. Louis or even just living there for a part of your life, you become familiar with the lifestyle around you.


14. You know at least one adult who can’t tell you what their job is due to the confidentiality of it.


15. The cost of your home could be the same cost of a small town in North Dakota.


16. People from the other parts of the country don’t understand your nova slang.



17. You’ve had to give tours of D.C. to every single relative.


18. You’re used to a seeing some of the guys at your high school dress like frat boys.


19. Most of the kids at your high school drive nice cars.



20. You look forward for every opportunity to leave nova; even though nova is home.

Have any other signs you grew up in Northern Virginia to add to the list!? Share in the comments below!

Featured Image: weheartit