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10 Signs You Grew Up In Hubbardston MA

10 Signs You Grew Up In Hubbardston MA

Hubbardston will always be home. It's a small town but it has a lot of heart. Here are 10 signs that you grew up in Hubbardston, MA.

Hubbardston will always be home. It’s a small country town but it has a lot of heart. As someone who was born and raised in Hubbardston, here are just some of the things and places that show you know what’s like to have grown up in Hubbardston, MA.

1. Going To Rietta Ranch.

As a kid and even as an adult, Rietta Ranch is a great place to go on Sunday morning- that’s if you are awake then- to look around and see what the different vendors are selling! It was also a great opportunity to get your fried dough and good ole fashioned Lemonade.

2. Going To The Annual Field Day.

As part of one of Hubbardston’s traditions, we have a Field Day every year! Chicken barbeque, games and contests are just some of the fun things that are available to partake in.


3. Getting Ice Cream At Calico and Cream.

R.I.P. When Calico and Cream closed, it was a sad day. Part of my childhood was biking down and as a reward, getting a delicious ice cream. It will be forever missed.

4. Going To Asnacomet (Comet) Pond During The Summer.

Comet Pond was the hot spot for most people when the hot, summer months came.

5. Sports Season.

To all Hubbardston sport players out there! When sports were in session, it was one of the best times. Being able to play on a sports team with your friends will always be one of my favorite things about my childhood.


6. Going To HCS.

HCS a.k.a Hubbardston Center School. Some of my fondest school memories were from here all because of the great teachers that I had while going to school here.

7. Your Library Card.

As a kid, being able to have something with your name on it and check out one of your favorite books or movies (anyone remember VHS?!) at the Hubbardston Library was always a fun trip.

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8. Stopping By Mr. Mike’s To Get A Slushee After Your Game.

After having a soccer game and it was an extremely hot day, Mr. Mike’s was always the place to stop and get a drink to cool you down.

9. The Rec. Field

Whether you go to play on the playground, sports game, skate boarding in the skate park or attending a town event, the Rec. Field will always be the one place you won’t forget.

10. Visiting The Barre Falls Dam.

Even though the Dam is in Barre (the entrance starts in Hubbardston so it sort of counts right?!) it’s a true hidden gem.

Photo source: Kayla Coates
What are some of your favorite things about Hubbardston? What was part of your childhood growing up in Hubbardston? Comment below!