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15 Signs You Grew Up In Grosse Pointe, MI

15 Signs You Grew Up In Grosse Pointe, MI

Everyone has a special place where home is permanently in our hearts. For myself it is in Michigan. Here are 15 signs that you grew up in Grosse Point, MI.

Wherever the many paths of life leads us, everyone has a special place where home is permanently in our hearts. For myself and many others I know, that irreplaceable spot is safely hidden away in the suburbs of Michigan. Here are 15 signs that you grew up in Grosse Point, MI.

 1. You’ve heard people refer to themselves as “inner city kid” or “raised in Detroit” even though they actually grew up in the rich suburb NEXT to Detroit.

Whether you hear those two sayings be used by your friends at school, or just in someone’s Instagram bio, it’s bothered you every single time. You hate it but at the same time wish you were cool enough to be from Detroit too…

2. Driving down Lakeshore was a therapy session within itself.

You could’ve been making this drive to clear your mind with your friends, go to wally’s or sleven. Something about blasting the music and looking at the water was the most calming thing.


3. You know you can’t go literally anywhere without seeing 200 of your friends and at least two teachers.

We all know that sinking feeling when you walk into Kroger with your baggy pajamas on & no makeup, to find every parent you’ve ever seen just staring at you. It’s like you just got out of bed and dragged yourself to Kroger (which you probably did). Let’s be real here, you’re probably only going because your parents forced you to go and get something.

4. Seeing 567 Jeep Wranglers in your schools parking lot.

You make that drive into the parking lot every morning, only to find that all the spots are taken by Jeeps. Basically more than half of the drivers at your school receive one on their 16 birthday. (Must be nice)….I mean, they’re pretty badass.

5. Feeling the anger when seeing a cop car drive past you every 5 seconds.

From the endless parking tickets at school to the getting pulled over for going 2 above you’ll never have to wonder where the police are. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for being safe. But when you see more police cars than normal cars, it’s just like, really?


6. A “GP mom” is a classic term used almost all the time.

You all know the classic “GP” moms and their lululemon gear (you gotta love them), that don’t work but still manage to fill up every yoga class right after school gets out for the day. It’s like you pretty much only have time to go to that one class after school, with all the hours of homework you have for later, yet it’s hard to even get a place in a class because they’re all filled with “GP moms” that could’ve easily went during the day.

7. The North and South High School Rivalry basically never stops. Ever.

From the football games that fill with over a thousand people, to fighting over which school is better, North and south are always going head to head. The football game is the talk of the year and the race to see who can paint South’s Rock is a never ending battle.

8. Everyone goes to either Michigan or Michigan State.

There’s many reasons for wanting to attend one of the two (GO GREEN) but you get a bit shocked when you see 95 people out of the amount of kids in your grade all going to one. I mean, there’s whole friend groups that end up going together. Of course there’s the people that choose to go out of state, like Clemson for example (shoutout to Kaitlin) and choose a different path than the majority. To each their own.


9. The Pancake House.

Need I say more?

 10. The Parks.

I think we can all agree…THANK GOD for these. They’ve been a lifesaver when plans fall thorough at someone’s house or just when your group can’t find anything to do. From grilling out to the late summer nights boating or playing volleyball, the parks basically have saved us all at some point.


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11. The Schools.

You have the privilege to go to some of the best High Schools in the   state/country. From the highest test scores to the raising GPA’s overall, your education is pretty much the best it could be at this point. You always hear people talking about how “lucky” you are to be attending a school in GP.

12. The classic “GP style.”

God bless. I’m sure you all know exactly what I’m talking about. From the colorful shorts to the vineyard vines crew necks, you’ve seen about every color of the rainbow on the boys at your school. Somehow that little whale symbol makes everything above $50.


13. Football.

It’s a HUGE deal in September and October. It’s constantly talked about and the football games even have themes. From sea-side sophomores to Fire & Ice Freshman, the themes never fail to amaze us all…

14. You never know what weather is coming.

You’ll walk outside wearing snow pants one day and then the next you’ll be wearing shorts and a tank top. The weather changes so much that allergies are pretty much a constant thing here in Grosse Pointe.

15. Grosse Pointe.

Whenever somebody asks where you’re from, they have no idea what the heck you’re talking about. It’s so secluded that people don’t even realize it exists (hence the Grosse Pointe “bubble” term). The other day someone said to me, “what do you call a booger on a toothpick? Grosse Pointe.” (I walked away at that point).

Do you agree that these are true signs that you grew up in Grosse Point, MI? Share your favorite spots in the comments below!
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