20 Signs You Grew Up In Fayetteville NC

Every city has things that everyone knows about. Some are bigger than others and have more options and some are so small that everyone knows everyone. Fayetteville has so many qualities that make it unique from any other city! These are 20 signs you grew up in Fayetteville NC.
1. Micasita rice bowls will forever be the go to food option.
Micasitas means “my house ” in Spanish. Maybe that’s what we consider it home cooked food?
2. You have been to J. Cole’s house.
Forget Fayetteville, this is Dreamville. Even if you don’t like rap music, I’m sure you’ve driven by his house at least once.
3. Pretty much every store offers military discount.
“Are you a military?” is always the first question asked when you walk up to the register. Nope, my family just somehow ended up here.
4. You have been lulled to sleep by Fort Bragg practicing bombing.
EARTHQUAKE. Earthquake, that’s just Fort Bragg. It doesn’t matter where you live in Fayetteville, you will hear and feel the bombings at Fort Bragg at 3 am.
5. School was cancelled if there was a chance of snow.
Snow flurries = no school for at least a week. It’s all about the safety of the students, right?
6. You could drive to Cookout with your eyes closed because you go so much.
Cookout is the moves after every sporting event and party. Cookout tray anyone?
7. Not knowing if you heard gunshots or fireworks on New Years Eve.
Let’s be honest here, Fayetteville isn’t exactly the safest place to live, but it’s home.
8. Knowing the four amazing activities Fayetteville has to offer.
We have bowling, the movies, Sonic, or the mall…you pick this time.
9. You have passed the man that stands in his truck with the Cross.
Typically near Chick-fil-a, he is always there to tell you that Jesus loves you.
10. You have been downtown to take pictures.
Every girl in Fayetteville knows exactly where the blue and white striped wall is.
11. The weather is more bipolar than anyone you know.
It could be 10 degrees when you wake up but it could be 90 by the end of the day.
12. Knowing Fantasy Lake was not a fantasy.
The water may be black but I’m sure that didn’t stop you from going on the Tarzan Swing.
13. Hearing Fayetteville called Fayettenam at some point.
“Where are you from?” “Fayetteville.” “OH, you mean Fayettenam!”
14. You’ve either had or been to a birthday party at Round-a-Bout Skating Rink.
You have a strategy to winning red light, green light on roller skates by heart.
15. You’ve passed by the Eiffel Tower.
Well not really, but the mini replica in Bordeaux makes you feel JUST like you are in Paris!
16. Having to wait at least 8 hours to be seen in the emergency room at Cape Fear Valley.
Hope you brought some snacks because you’re going to be here a while.
17. Waffle House was the place to go the next morning.
Whether you have been to a party, prom, or just a sleepover, Waffle House was breakfast the next day.
18. You know better than to hang around Murchison Road.
Again, Fayetteville is not exactly the safest place to live. Need I say more?
19. Knowing Hope Mills Lake is not a lake anymore.
If you have been here long enough, you can probably remember when it actually had water.
20. Always saying you are ready to leave but when you do, you want to come back.
Regardless of it’s reputation, Fayetteville is, and always will be, home.
Do you have anything else to add to the list of signs you grew up in Fayetteville NC!? Share in the comments below!
Featured Image: weheartit