20 Signs You Grew Up In Central Ohio

Whether you grew up in Powell, Dublin, Upper Arlington, Hilliard, Worthington, or anywhere else in Central Ohio, this list will definitely be relatable to you. Here are 20 signs that you grew up in Central Ohio!
1. First things first; you know the weather is ALWAYS changing.
I cannot even count how many times I have woken up to a clear sunny day and then after I take a shower I come back to clouds and rain. You could literally need a parka the entire morning, and by noon, you could wear a bathing suit.
2. Everywhere you go, you have to spell OHIO with your arms.
Whether you’re in Africa, Asia, Europe, or even Michigan ;). Every time you hear the letter “OH” be announced, your automatic instinct is always to yell “IO” back.
3. Speaking of OH-IO, you LOVE the Buckeyes.
It is hard to live in Central Ohio without being a Buckeye fan. One would think they were a professional team the way we treat them. During a Saturday in the Fall, you know that the one thing everyone will be doing is watching the game. You BLEED scarlet and grey.
4. One of the most prized possessions in the area is the Concrete Field Of Corn in Dublin.
And for those who have never heard of this, yes I said it, a field of 109, 8-foot-tall, 1,500 lb. ears of corn. It is one of the most bizarre things to explain to those who are not from the area. We really take pride in corn here in Central Ohio.
5. When you are a teenager, there is nothing to do.
ESPECIALLY in the winter or if you cannot drive. The most entertaining thing to do is go to Walmart and walk around. Running around aisles and making a ruckus with all your friends-something about it is actually very fun. There’s always that one friend who will try to jump through the caged pit of large plastic balls that are for sale.
6. You call carbonated beverages “pop” instead of “soda.”
Okay I did not even realize this was a weird thing to do. To me, at least pop just sounds so much better than soda. Soda is such a plain word, but pop is fun. When you drink a Coke or Sprite, it sort of pops in your mouth, which makes pop the perfect word for those types of drinks.
7. Cleveland may be two hours away but you LOVE Lebron James as if he was your next door neighbor.
Lebron is the king and there are no competitors. Do not even try to mention names like Steph Curry, Kawhi Lenord, or Russell Westbrook around these Lebron fans. Expect most Central Ohio people saying “Warriors blew a 3-1 lead.”
8. The Columbus Zoo and Aquarium is another prized possession.
You take a lot of pride in the zoo. Considering it is one of the best zoos in the nation, it makes perfect sense that you love it so much. It doesn’t matter how hot or cold it is outside, expect the zoo to always be packed.
9. A big summer vacation is taking a day trip to Cedar Point or Kings Island.
You love the trek up north to Sandusky to ride the “Top Thrill Dragster” or down south to Mason to ride the “Diamond Back.” We love to pig out on fried foods and ride coasters all day.
10. You know there are actually so many things to do, but everyone always complains that there is nothing to do.
Cosi, Short North, the zoo, North Market, Zoombezi Bay, Franklin Park Conservatory, The Scioto Mile, and The Field of Corn 😉
11. Every time a popular musician announces they are going on tour, you pray they will come to Columbus.
Let’s face it, C-Bus just is not a poppin’ place for a lot of popular musicians. Don’t get me wrong I have been to so many concerts in Columbus, but there are a whole lot of people I would have loved to see in Columbus that did not come here.
12. There is SO much ice cream.
We have Graeters, Cold Stone, Baskin Robbins, Dairy Queen, Whits, Ritas, Jenis, Handels, and not to mention, the plethora of fro-yo places. It does not matter where you are at in Central Ohio, you can always find an ice cream place to satisfy your sweet tooth.
13. There is a running competition in each city on who can build the most roundabouts.
Each city is literally always building a new roundabout. Dublin just put a new one in and it is a complete HAZARD. There are literally three roundabouts all together in Hilliard- it is actually terrifying. Sooner or later it will just be all roundabouts.
14. Almost all your friends are going to University of Cincinnati, Miami University, Ohio University, or Ohio State University.
There are so many colleges in Ohio, but these four are the big four and practically everyone you know is going there.
15. One of the biggest events of the summer is when Dublin throws a larger Irish festival than there is in Ireland.
For three days every year, everyone gathers at this enormous festival and eats lots of fried food and drinks copious amounts of alcohol.
16. The second biggest event is Red, White, and BOOM in downtown Columbus.
All the kids who live in the suburbs outside of Columbus hop on the COTA bus for a twenty minute ride to downtown C-bus to see fireworks. It is hot and crowded, you are guaranteed to lose someone from your group- but there’s great food and memories.
17. You have a love-hate relationship with the Columbus Blue Jackets.
Most seasons in the past, the team has not been the best, but everyone still roots for them and goes to the games. Everyone tries to stay positive and hopes for a better season the next year.
18. You know how to get just about anywhere in Central Ohio because of the 270 outer-belt.
The 270 outer-belt can turn a 30-40 minute drive to 20 minutes, unless it is rush hour. You do not realize how lucky we are to have it until you are driving somewhere else.
19. We are home of the first Wendy’s restaurant, and you know are very proud of that.
We love our Wendy’s here in Central Ohio. Whether it’s a delicious cold frosty, crispy chicken nuggets, or a juicy fresh never frozen burger, you love it.
20. Everyone you know says they cannot wait to get out of Ohio, but everyone you know almost always comes back in the end.
Whether it is for college or because their family is moving, people always make it back to Central Ohio. They will constantly complain about how much they dislike it, but we all know deep down, we love our home of Central Ohio.
Can you think of any more signs you grew up in Central Ohio? Let us know in the comments!
*This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.