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20 Signs You Grew Up In A Russian Home

20 Signs You Grew Up In A Russian Home

If you grew up in a Russian home, these 20 signs will ring true. Being a Russian-American has you exposed you to interesting stories. Thanks Russian parents

As a child who has former Russian USSR parents, growing up you hear a lot of interesting things. Here are 20 signs only Russian-Americans will understand if you grew up in a Russian home.

1. Costco Is Life.

The whitefish salad at Costco is essentially over a third of Costco’s business. Definitely comes from us Russians. Your dad refuses to eat much else for any meal.

2. Your Babyshka Crushed On Kirkorov.

3. Your Mom Makes Your Friends Wear A Tapochki.

4. Rugs Belong On The Wall, Not Floor!

5. The Endless Calls From Relatives Every B-day Wising You Shaste And Uspech.

6. All Childhoods Were The Same Regardless Of Gender.

Piano, swimming, ballet, gymnastics, and tennis lessons were apart of the agenda.


7. Recipes.

Smetana in soup with boiled potatoes and mayonnaise in everything. You never realized American families didn’t cook this way until you went over to your friends’ houses.

8. TV Shows.

You grew up watching sovetskii multiki like doctor aybolut, chipolino, and bremenskiya muzikanti

9. Never Knowing What The Word Cheburashka.

A koala bear? We don’t know but he/she is adorable!


10. Being Able To Spot A Russian A Mile Away.

You don’t know what it is, but just their way of walking and even laughing is so distinctive.

11. You Grew Up With Volk and Zaetz, Not Tom And Jerry.

12. Any Cold You Got Was From Not Wearing A Hat.

13. Going Outside With Wet Hair … Leading Cause Of Death.

14. Superstition.

You never thought you were superstitious until you went to college and someone whistled indoors and your heart stopped.

15. Forget UNO And Go Fish!

Durak will forever be your favorite card game.


16. Tea.

As a child you had more tea than water.

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17. Crystal Chalices.

You don’t have wine glasses at your house, but massive crystal chalices from the old country.


18. The Soviet Union.

Every time a friend comes over, dinner conversation inevitably turns into life in the Soviet Union.

19. Caviar And Blinchiki. 

Every morning!

20. Deyn Pobedi And Novii God

They were obviously your favorite holidays!


спасибо мои друзя!!!

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