10 Signs you go to UNH

It doesn’t take a very keen eye to point out the characteristics of a UNH student, but to a UNH student, these things are second nature and a way of life. On any given day, you can pass by dozens of students wearing or doing the exact same thing, but to the students, it is how they function and get through the day. Whether or not they mean to, UNH students all managed to adapt the same habits as one another and these habits are here to stay with them well passed college. UNH gives off a very distinct vibe that you can easily find within the campus grounds, in the classrooms, and especially in the students themselves.
1. Bean Boots
It doesn’t take a sophisticated fashion runway model to know that these L.L Bean outdoorsy style boots are a hit. But, let’s face it: trying to get to an 8 am class across campus while it’s snowing? There is only one boot for the job, and it will still make you look cute and New England ready. Comfy, waterproof, and ready for any kind of UNH event, you will know a UNH student when you see them wearing their beloved Bean Boots.
2. Iced Coffee even when it is winter outside
Needless to say, here at UNH, we sure love our iced coffee. People may prefer Starbucks or Dunkins but the fact remains: hot coffee is nice, but iced is still a favorite for many students. So, keep your eyes peeled for those wary students clutching their iced coffees in the middle of winter on their way to class. The little cardboard slip can only do so much, but it is better than nothing. A college student will run mostly on coffee, and for the students here at UNH, it will most likely be iced.
3. Portsmouth being their favorite weekend escape
Anyone living near or around campus will know and come to love the popping town life that Portsmouth has to offer. From restaurants to boutique hotels to shops on shops on shops, it is no wonder Portsmouth is any college student’s go to place on a Friday afternoon. Or a Saturday afternoon. Heck, a Wednesday afternoon! With the free bus rides to and from Portsmouth, it is no wonder why the bright and fun night life of Portsmouth attracts the wary and stressed minds of so many UNH students in desperate need of a fun night out.
4. Plaid, Plaid, and more Plaid
Let’s face it: plaid is a great thing to own in terms of clothing. If you are ever having one of those days where all you want to do is go back to bed, and let’s be honest, that is every day, plaid is a great substitute for that oversized sweatshirt in your closet. It makes you look a little more awake and a little more prepared for the day. Pair it with some leggings, your trusty Bean Boots, a thick infinity scarf and a vest, you are good to go! It is a guaranteed fact that if you strolled down Main Street on campus, you will see at least one plaid shirt walking as well.
5. Knowing all the jives and cheers at a hockey game
If you have not been to a UNH hockey game, you are surely missing out on the experience. The rush, the yelling, the excitement, but most of all, the cheers. UNH students pride themselves on their sports, and hockey is no exception. If you ever find yourself at a UNH hockey game, you will quickly get accustomed to the rather rude yet fun chants the students will cheer.
6. Vests
Another fall classic here on campus is the trusty vest. You will see it paired with Bean Boots as well as a wide variety of plaid. Vests are handy to have, and especially with the fluctuating temperatures New Hampshire will face during the year, UNH students have to be prepared for anything. And if they happen to look cute in their vest, plaid, and Bean Boot assemble, so be it.
7. Tapping the Nose of the Wildcat Statue
With going to college comes tradition, and tradition is sure way to get your entire college community rallied together. Each college campus will have their own take on tradition, but here at UNH, the one that stands out above the rest is tapping the Wildcat statue’s nose in front of the Whitamore center. It seems like such a simple task to do, but when you have the entire campus lined up to go to a hockey game, tapping the nose on their way in, it shows the effect tradition has on the campus as a whole.
8. Having a UNH sweatshirt for every day of the week
It is no secret that everyone loves a nice, cozy, over sized sweatshirt for those cloudy days where you can’t seem to function; those days where you woke up late, or went to bed at 4 in the morning, or all of your plaid shirts are in the laundry. It can be a hassle trying to get out the door at a reasonable time in the morning, and sometimes you are forced to wear that enormous sweatshirt. However, everyone loves sweatshirts, especially when they are branded with your own college logo. It makes it that much more special. Seeing a person with a UNH sweatshirt would be an obvious sign that they are going or have gone to the university, but do not assume that one sweatshirt is their only UNH sweatshirt. More likely, there are 6 others just like that one in their dorm closet.
9. Mopeds
Anyone visiting UNH will have to take notice of the excessive amount of mopeds the campus has. At least once during your day, you will see a moped, whether it be parked outside Stoke or Parson, or speeding down Main Street. They come in a variety of colors and styles, making each one unique to that particular student. It will also be just as common to see that moped rider donning their bean boots, plaid, and best combo, making them the ultimate UNH student.
10. The Black Northface backpack
To keep in the tune of our outdoorsy campus vibe, UNH students can also be recognized while wearing their black Northface backpacks. There are durable, keep all your school supplies dry, and will last you all year, and maybe even your entire college career.
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I am a sophomore at UNH and I love to write!