15 Signs You Go To The University Of North Dakota

15 Signs You Go To The University Of North Dakota

When you go to UND, you’ll know specific people, places, or signs that only North Dakota students know. You’ll definitely know what I mean. Here we go, 20 signs you go to the University of North Dakota!

1.  You are blown across the university from the wind.

2. You own an unacceptable amount of green clothing.

3. Someone brings a duck into the dorms to skin and cook (still not okay).


4. Camo is the predominant pattern worn.

5. “I’m going hunting again this weekend” is the reason people go home.

6. You go from freezing to a full on sweat when entering a building.

7. You contemplate if a jacket is necessary at thirty three degrees.

8. No one makes fun of your accent because everyone adapts one at some point.

9. You have enough sweaters to clothe your whole floor.

10. Face masks are acceptable not creepy.



11. Snowshoes are borderline considered.

12. You receive a shovel as a Christmas gift.

13. You go to a test at 7 and by the time you finish there is 2 feet of snow.

14. Upon asking someone where they are from, the chances it is somewhere other than Minnesota or North Dakota is slim to none.

15. Your parents ask why you are spending such an outrageous amount of money at a “Deek’s Pizza” and “Red Pepper.”

Are there any other classic signs you go to the University of North Dakota? Comment below!
Featured photo source: fargomonthly.com